- Growing Grapes in Vermont (PDF) - by Terence Bradshaw (University of Vermont)
- Preventing Herbicide Drift and Injury to Grapes - by Drs. Ball, Parker, Colquhoun, and Dami (Oregon State University)
- Midwest Grape Production Guide, Bulletin 919 (PDF)
- Gateway to Cornell Grape Resources
- Growing Grapes in Indiana - by Bruce Bordelon (Purdue University)
- Grape Growth Stages (PDF) (Michigan State University)
- Cost of Establishment and Production of Vinifera Grapes in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State- 010 (PDF) - by Gerald B. White (Cornell University)
- Key Steps for Completing a Vineyard Business Plan (PDF) (The Ohio State University)
- Cost of Growing Wine Grapes in Western Colorado (PDF) - by Rod Sharp, Horst Caspari, and Dana Hoag (Colorado State University/ Orchard Mesa Research Center)
- Starting a Business (Ag Marketing Resource Center)
- Cold Climate Viticulture in Vermont (PDF) - adapted from a presentation given at the New England Fruit Conference, Manchester, NH, Dec. 15, 2005. (text summary (PDF))
- A Review of Cold Climate Grape Cultivars - by Lisa Ann Smiley, Paul Domoto, and Gail Nonnecke (Iowa State University)
- University of Minnesota Grape website - Descriptions of cold climate grape cultivars can be found here.
- Wine Grape Comparisons (University of Minnesota)
- Minnesota Grape Growers Association website - Descriptions of some cold hardy grape cultivars can be found here.
- "Less Risky Varieties, Old and New" - by Bruce I. Reisch and Steve Luce. Note: Some of the cultivars may not be hardy enough for very cold areas.
- Licensed Nurseries for Cold Hardy Grapes (University of Minnesota)
- Evaluating Cold Climate Grapes (PDF) - by Dr. Paul Domoto (Iowa State University)
- Table of Grape Characteristics (PDF) - by Dr. Paul Domoto (Iowa State University)
- New Vineyard Timeline (Cornell University)
- Vineyard Establishment I: Preplant Decisions (PDF) and Vineyard Establishment II: Planting and Early Care of Vineyards (PDF) (Michigan State University)
- Considerations for Starting a Commercial Vineyard in Vermont (PDF)
- Considering a Vineyard? (PDF) - by Dr. Paul Domoto (Iowa State University)
- Vineyard Site Preparation & Trellis Systems (PDF) - by Dr. Paul Domoto (Iowa State University)
- VIDEO: Starting a vineyard, tips (New Mexico State University)
- VIDEO: Laser Planting (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Vineyard mapping (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Planting grapes (Oklahoma State University)
- VIDEO: Soil prep (Oklahoma State University)
- Need Quality? Try Canopy and Fruit Zone Management Vermont and New Hampshire (PDF) - by Mark Chien (Penn State University)
- VIDEO: Trellis systems (Oklahoma State University)
- VIDEO: Measure canopy density (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Vineyard Pruning Tools (Iowa State University Extension)
- VIDEO: High Wire Cordon Pruning (Des Moines Area Community College)
- VIDEO: Pruning High Wire Cordon Concord grapes (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Pruning Vertical Shoot Positioned Cordon wine grapes (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Vertical Shoot Positioned Cordon Spur pruning basics (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Vertical Shoot Positioned Cordon Spur pruning instruction (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Vertical Shoot Positioned Cordon Cane pruning instruction (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Vertical Shoot Positioned Cordon Spur vs. Cane pruning (Oregon State University)
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
- Winter Low Temperatures in Vermont (NOAA)
- VIDEO: Evaluating Bud Injury Prior to Pruning Part 1, Part 2 (Finger Lakes Grape Program - Cornell Cooperative Extension)
- The closest analytical lab for grape soil and petiole analysis is the Cornell Nutrient Analysis Laboratory. Note: they now have partnered with Agro-One Services. It is recommended that you contact them before you send any samples to confirm that recommendations will be sent along with the analysis and to confirm costs.
- Instructions for soil and petiole collection (Cornell's Lake Erie Regional Grape Program)
- Vineyard Nutrition (PDF) - by Dr. Paul Domoto (Iowa State University)
- Grapevine Nutrition (PDF) - by Mark Chien (Penn State University)
- Vineyard Floor Management (PDF) - by Mark Chien (Penn State University)
- VIDEO: Drip irrigation (New Mexico State University)
- VIDEO: Soil Testing (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Petiole gathering (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Soil Sampling (New Mexico State University)
- VIDEO: Crop thinning & estimation (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Crop thinning (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Variability during ripening (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Example of mechanical harvest (Oregon State University)
- VIDEO: Ripeness (University of California)
Integrated Pest Management
- Fact Sheet: An Initial IPM Strategy for New Cold Climate Winegrape Growers (PDF) - by Terence Bradshaw & Lorraine Berkett (University of Vermont)
- IPM Primer (PDF) - A basic introduction to concepts, strategies, and components of an IPM program.
- "Cold Climate Grape IPM - Diseases and Insects" (PDF) - by Lorraine Berkett (University of Vermont)
- How to Use NEWA - An Instructional Video
- How to Use NEWA - Printable Handout (PDF)
- New York and Pennsylvania Pest Management Guidelines for Grapes
- NYS IPM Fact Sheets for Grape Diseases and Insects
- Grape IPM Guide for Minnesota Producers
- Mid-Atlantic Vineyards Grape IPM
- Pest Management in the Vineyard (Michigan State University)
- Grape Scouting Reports - includes information on diagnosing disease, insect, physiological conditions, and nutritional disorders (Michigan State University)
- Midwest Grape Production Guide, Bulletin 919-05 (PDF) - A comprehensive resource which includes IPM information as well as information on site selection, cultivar selection, vineyard establishment, pruning and training, wildlife management, soil management, fertilization, etc.
- VIDEO: Hail damage (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Netting with a machine (New Mexico State University)
- VIDEO: Scouting (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Wine grape scouting (University of Massachusetts)
- VIDEO: Scouting (Oregon State University)
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Vermont (PDF)
- VIDEO: Pheromone trap assembly (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: GBM (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Banded grape bug (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- VIDEO: Insect prevention (Michigan State University)
- VIDEO: Glassy-winged sharpshooter (University of California)
- Relative Disease Ratings for Wine Grape Varieties Grown in Vermont (UVMFRT-003) (PDF) - by Terence Bradshaw and Lorraine Berkett (University of Vermont)
- VIDEO: Eutypa dieback (Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell and Penn State Extension)
- Vermont's Pesticide Safety Education Program
- Understanding the Pesticide Label (PDF) - (University of Missouri)
- Pesticide Application Safety - (University of Missouri)
- Personal Protective Equipment for Working with Pesticides - (University of Missouri)
- Tips for Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing - (University of Missouri)
- Basic Pesticide Information (PDF) - (EPA)
- Reduced Risk Pesticides (PDF) - by Lorraine Berkett and Morgan Cromwell (University of Vermont)
- Fungicide Resistance Management (PDF) - by Lorraine Berkett (University of Vermont)
- Production Guide for Organic Grapes - by Tim Weigle and Juliet Carroll (Cornell University)
- Organic Integrated Management of Grape Diseases - by Mike A. Ellis and Mizuho Nito (Ohio State University)
- Organic Grape Production (PDF) - by Rex Dufour (ATTRA)
- Organic Viticulture in New York
- Developing a Wine Marketing Plan for a New Winery (PDF) - by Gerald B. White (Cornell University)
- Enology Notes (Cornell University)
- Winery and Vineyard Feasibility Workbooks (Ag Marketing Resource Center)
- Total Wine Package Video - "These four videos address aspects of researching the feasibility of constructing a winery or establishing a vineyard on your operation. The videos are designed to give producers insight into the research needed before construction takes place." (Iowa State University)
- A Timeline and Strategies for Investment in a Winery- by Jerry White and Miguel Gomez (Cornell University)
- Economics of a Small Premium Winery - by Esendugue Greg Fonsah (University of Georgia)
- Fact Sheet: Pre-Harvest Winegrape Juice Testing (PDF) - by Sarah Kingsley-Richards and Terence Bradshaw (University of Vermont)
Food Safety
Regional Resources
- New England Wine Grape Growers' Resource Center
- Geneva Grape Breeding Program (Recent Releases and Numbered Selections)
- Cornell Fruit Resources: Grapes
- Cornell University Vinification & Brewing Technology Lab
- Finger Lakes Grape Program Cooperative Extension (Publications, Past Issues of Finger Lakes Vineyard notes, Disease Control, Leaf Petiole testing)
- Lake Erie Regional Grape Program (Cultural Practices Archives, IMP Guidelines, Farm Business Mgmt., Research)
- Virginia Tech Grape Chemistry Group (Research, Short Courses, Workshops, Seminars, Issues of Vintner’s Corner and Enology Notes)
- Penn State Wine Grape Network (Grape Culture, Disease Management, Winemaking, Marketing, Grape Exchange to buy or sell grapes, Calendar of Events)
- Colorado Grape Growers Guide (PDF)
- Iowa State Viticulture (Research, Events, News, Links to state and national Trade Organizations, Links to Supplies)
- Kansas State University Grape Production (PDF) (Covers Grape Production in Kansas)
- Michigan State University Grape IPM
- Michigan State University Extension Grape Information (Links to MSU IPM Page, MSU Crop Advisory Team, Alerts, Newsletters, Extension Bulletins, Grape Links)
- Midwest Commercial Small Fruit & Grape Spray Guide
- University of Minnesota Grape Breeding and Enology Projects (Research, Extension Courses on Winemaking, Links to Winemaking Equip. and Supplies)
- University of Nebraska Viticulture (Vinelines Grower Newsletter, Research, Wineries, Publications on Grape Culture)
- Growing Grapes in Wisconsin (PDF)
- Oregon State University Viticulture Extension (Events, Lectures, Workshops, IPM, Canopy Management Videos, Sustainable Viticulture)
- Washington State University Viticulture & Enology Team (Research, Publications, Faculty Contacts, Certificate Program)
- University of California Davis Extension Winemaking (Winemaking Courses, Distance Learning)
- University of California Davis Dept. of Viticulture & Enology (Research, Library, Bookstore)
- University of California Grape IPM Management Guidelines
Government Resources
- USDA/ARS Plant Genetic Resource Unit, Geneva, NY (Cold Hardy Grape Ascensions/Species)
- USDA/ARS National Germplasm Repository, Davis CA (Mostly Winter Tender Grape Accessions/Species)
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Viticulture, Publications, Factsheets, Resources)
Resources From Various Organizations
- American Society of Enology & Viticulture
- Vermont Grape and Wine Council
- Iowa Wine Growers Association
- The Winemaking Home Page (Viticulture, Winemaking and Wine on the Web)
- Maryland Grape Growers Association
- Minnesota Grape Growers Association (Workshops, Symposium on Cold Climate Viticulture, Quarterly Newsletter Notes from the North, New Varieties, Links to Supplies, Viticulture, IPM, and Winemaking)