Patrick Standen '88 teaches healthcare ethics and medical ethics. He also holds an appointment at nearby Saint Michael's College where he teaches philosophy and medical ethics. He is also the board president of the Northeast Disabled Athletic Association (NDAA).
Research and/or Creative Works
Blogger, Vermont Philosophy
Standen, “Nordic Sit-Skiing” VT Recreation and Parks Advocate, winter 2012
Standen, “Adaptive Sailing” VT Recreation and Parks Advocate, fall 2011
Standen, Philosophy Now, vol., 74, “What Makes a Good Society”
Standen, “Questions and Answers in the Mountains,” Onion River Review
Standen, Guest Columnist, “The Defender”
Standen, VOTA Newsletter, “Adaptive Sailing”
Standen, VOTA Newsletter, “Adapting Winter Sports”
Standen, “American Philosophy Today” The Leiter Report
Standen & Trachtenberg, “Challenges for a New Administration” CCV Newsletter
Standen, “Clean Endings,” Lake Poetry Reader.
Awards and Recognition
- Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award, Nominee
- Philosophy Now Monthly Essay Contest, 2009
- United Way, Hometown Hero Award, 2007
- State of Vermont, Governor's Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service, 2007
- City of Burlington, Neighborhood Leadership Award, 2007
- Who's Who in American Teachers, nomination, 2003
- 10 Year Service Award, Castleton State College, 2002
- Outstanding Faculty Award, Trinity College, 1999
Areas of Expertise and/or Research
Medical and healthcare ethics, the history of disability and ethical theory
- M.A., Boston College
- B.A., University of Vermont
Office Hours:
By appointment
Courses Taught
- NH 120 - Healthcare Ethics
- NH 120 - OLI Healthcare Ethics
- HLTH 295 - Ethics for Healthcare Professionals