Creative Writing

The English Department is the place to learn the craft of writing. English Majors may concentrate Creative Writing and students from across the university may Minor in Creative Writing or Minor in Reporting and Documentary Story Telling. Our award-winning faculty wide range of courses focusing on the techniques of writing poetry, prose fiction, long-form journalism, memoir, essays, and scriptwriting for the stage or screen. Our small classes are organized as workshops fostering the discussion and improvement of student work. Though some students will go on (like English alumna Eboni Booth, to win Pulitzer Prizes), everyone studying creative writing learn skills integral to a wide range of professions. 

Degree Programs

Eve Alexandra, Senior Lecturer

Distinguished Authors in the Classroom

Eve Alexandra is a lecturer in the English department with areas of expertise in creative writing, poetry, and American literature. She is an accomplished poet who actively publishes across a wide number of journals, including the Harvard Review and The Academy of American Poets.

Eve Alexandra's Faculty Profile

Available Courses/ Course Descriptions


ENGS 001 - Written Expression

First Years and Sophomores only. A foundational composition course featuring a sequence of writing, reading, and information literacy assignments. Students learn to write and revise for different rhetorical situations while increasing their mastery of academic conventions. Some sections designed for specific student audiences.

ENGS 002 - Written Expression: Theme

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors only. Intensive instruction and practice in writing, reading, research, and revision through the exploration of a theme related to the instructor’s expertise.

ENGS 005 - First Year Seminar

Students write in a variety of forms, styles, and genres in response to selected texts of literary or cultural significance. Themes, texts, and writing assignments vary by section. Prerequisite: First-Year standing in College of Arts and Sciences.

ENGS 050 - Expository Writing

Intermediate course in expository writing (nonfiction that describes, informs, and persuades) emphasizing rhetorical choices for varying audiences and purposes. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

ENGS 051 - Topics in Composition

Representative topics include: Forms of Journalism and Writing for the Web. May be repeated for credit with different content. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

ENGS 053 - Intro to Creative Writing

Introductory course on techniques of writing poetry, short prose fiction, and creative nonfiction. Classes organized around discussion of student work; weekly writing assignments. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

ENGS 104 - Tutoring Writing

This course, for students who will be tutoring at the Writing Center, explores ways of responding to writers one-on-one. Permission required. Pre/co-requisite: Three hours in English courses numbered ENGS 005 - ENGS 096; minimum Sophomore standing.

ENGS 114 - Topics in Writing

Topics vary by semester and professor. Representative topics: Writing Literary Criticism; Reading and Writing Autobiography; Literary Journalism. Prerequisites: ENGS 050 or ENGS 053; minimum Sophomore standing. May repeat for credit with different content.

ENGS 117 - Advanced Creative Nonfiction

In this workshop for experienced writers, students pursue projects of their own design, in various creative nonfiction sub-genres, including personal essay, literary memoir, and/or literary journalism. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisites: ENGS 050, ENGS 051, or ENGS 053; minimum Sophomore standing.

ENGS 118 - Advanced Writing: Fiction

This upper-level course for fiction writers of proven ability employs a seminar/workshop format, with most classroom time devoted to manuscript discussion. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisites: ENGS 053; minimum Sophomore standing.

ENGS 119 - Advanced Writing: Poetry

This upper-level course for poets of proven ability employs a seminar/workshop format, with most classroom time devoted to manuscript discussion. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisites: ENGS 053; minimum Sophomore standing.

ENGS 211 - Seminar in Writing

Recent topics: "Writing the New Yorker;" "Writing Vermont Life;" "Editing and Publishing." Prerequisites: ENGS 100; ENGS 050 or ENGS 051 or ENGS 053; and one of the following pairs of courses: ENGS 021 and ENGS 022, ENGS 023 and ENGS 024, or ENGS 027 and ENGS 028; Instructor permission for Graduate students.

Department Creative Writing Prizes


Benjamin B. Wainwright Prize

In honor of Professor Wainwright, who taught at the University of Vermont from 1925 to 1963, this prize goes to the student who submits the best poem each year.

Douglas A. Pinta Award

Established in the memory of a UVM graduate, this award is presented to a student dedicated to creative writing.

Student Opportunities

The Gist


The Gist (previously known as Vantage Point) is a literary magazine where art and literature come together. Join their editing team or be a part of their semesterly publications. More about the magazine in the The Gist spotlight or on The Gist on Facebook.

Submit creative work or email your questions to

The Writers Guild


Join the writers guild, a writing club where students peer-review writing in weekly/bi-weekly meetings. "We are Worldspinners. We are the ones who love to spin story webs. We're creative writers, and we are an SGA approved club who would love to have you join us!" Visit the writer's guild on Facebook to learn more.

The Cynic


The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883 is still making waves in the journalistic field after all these years. More about how you can join the newspaper on their the Cynic website or the Cynic on Facebook. Visit The Vermont Cynic Vermont Cynic e-Edition to stay up to date with breaking news.

Minor in Reporting and Documentary Storytelling


In the Center for Research on Vermont's newest minor in Reporting and Documentary Storytelling, students study the practice and theory of telling socially and culturally engaged stories in print journalism and nonfiction writing, video, image, audio, and mixed media formats.



Students who pursue an internship during their college education get real world experience ahead of schedule. If you are a junior or senior, consider an internship to pursue your passion in writing. More can be found at Internships in English or by reviewing the College of Arts Sciences internship courses.

Looking for more opportunities to publish your work?

Need more information?

Contact the English department at