News Featured Stories It’s Agricultural Fair and Exhibition Season: Do You Know How to Protect Your Show Animals? Announcing the FSRC PhD Fellows Class of 2023 CALS 2023 Celebration of Standout Students Five Dairy Sustainability Researchers You Should Know Undergraduate Research Combines Seana Kelly’s Interests in Animal Science and Nutrition More News 02/14/2023 Meet John Barlow: Food Systems Researcher of the Month The Food Systems Research Center is excited to annouce Dr. John Barlow as the Food Systems Researcher of the Month. John is a Professor in the... 08/22/2022 Chrissy Rohan Receives CALS Carrigan Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Studying equine science can be an intimidating experience for students who are new to working with horses. However, the safe, supportive and experiential learning environment that Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ASCI) Lecturer Chrissy Rohan creates for her students has made them deeply... 07/19/2022 Meet Jana Kraft: Food Systems Researcher of the Month Jana Kraft is an Associate Professor in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences with a secondary appointment in the Larner College of Medicine... 06/01/2022 Food Systems Researchers of the Month: Dairy Science Postdocs In Vermont, dairy is a big deal. As such, one of the first things the Food Systems Research Center did is put out a call for a cohort of six postdocs studying various aspects of dairy sciences in relation to food systems. The... 05/23/2022 Celebrating the Class of 2022 In the final ceremony of UVM’s 221st Commencement weekend, families, friends, faculty members and alumni packed the bleachers of Patrick Gymnasium on Sunday to celebrate the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) graduates. After two years of pandemic life and learning,... 05/17/2022 Meet the Food SURFers We are very excited to feature our 10 undergraduate students who will be working alongside UVM researchers this summer to study pressing issues in food systems. UVM's Fellowships, Opportunities, & Undergraduate Research (FOUR) office supports the... 04/27/2022 Stephen Wadsworth Recognized for Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction The positive impact that a dedicated educator can have on students extends far beyond the classroom. For Animal and Veterinary Sciences Lecturer and CREAM Advisor Stephen Wadsworth, DVM, his students use adjectives such... 09/28/2021 Feeding Seaweed to Cows to Boost Organic Dairy Profitability and Sustainability A multi-institutional research team led by UVM’s Sabrina Greenwood has been awarded $2.9 million to explore the potential animal health, environmental and economic benefits of seaweed as a feed alternative for organic... 09/22/2021 Building Healthy Microbiomes to Combat Mastitis on Organic Dairy Farms A team of researchers at the University of Vermont is seeking solutions to help combat mastitis, a costly health problem among dairy cows that can be challenging for herd health on organic farms. With the use of traditional microbiology plus next-generation, high-throughput sequencing... 08/18/2021 Planning for a Career That Gives Back COVID-19 has confirmed for Graecia Pacheco—a sophomore microbiology major—that her career goal is to help people protect themselves from harmful diseases. She envisions the possibilities of discovering beneficial bacteria and screening for diseases as an epidemiologist. As a first-generation... 08/11/2021 Project Prepares New England Farms to Maintain a Secure Food Supply Most grocery stores have a dairy section lined with coolers full of milk, butter, cheese and yogurt. Our favorite dairy foods are always there, day or night, but that might not be the case if the milk supply from farms, to processors, to stores is halted by a livestock disease outbreak that... 05/25/2021 The Class of 2021 Goes Forth After more than a year of social distancing and many online courses, University of Vermont graduates gathered at the UVM Athletic Complex for a series of in-person commencement ceremonies held Thursday, May 20, Friday, May 21 and Sunday, May 23. All ceremonies followed strict COVID-19 safety... 12/02/2020 Prevent. Detect. Respond. Animal science major Kortnie Wheaton was always interested in the way diseases spread between animals and humans. She even wrote her UVM admissions essay on mad cow disease, but until arriving at UVM, never envisioned herself working with livestock or in the field of biosecurity. After getting... 07/28/2020 Gift Honors Beloved UVM Professor - and Father - Dr. Albert Smith with Two Endowed Professorships Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Rosenfeld ’74 characterizes her father, Dr. Albert Smith, as an important and visionary leader, a beloved professor and advisor, and a tireless champion of quality teaching for UVM students. And she should know—she sat in the front row of his introductory nutrition class... 04/16/2020 The Pursuit of Knowledge For students at the University of Vermont, knowledge knows no bounds. Near or far from campus, they study everything from the most complex micro-ecosystems on the planet to the biggest threats to democracy today; they're engaged year-round, day and night, all in pursuit of knowledge. As this... 02/19/2020 Training the Next Generation of Dairy Farmers For generations, Vermont dairy farmers have cultivated the state’s working landscape and played an important role in the state’s economy. Today, the industry is facing many challenges including low milk prices, an... 11/21/2019 Moose Genetics Offer New Clues for Wildlife Management Moose have been the subject of intensive study in recent years in the Northeastern U.S., largely due the growing problem of winter ticks that have had a negative impact on the region’s moose population. Most research has focused on the links between landscape conditions and the survival and... 09/25/2019 A Natural Horseman When alumnus Tim Hayes, Class of 1967, climbed on a horse for the first time, at age forty-eight, his life pivoted. The lifelong New Yorker was already at a turning point when, on the heels of a divorce, he traveled out west. Then, at a friend of a friend’s cattle ranch, he saddled up and... 06/25/2019 Video Games Offer Clues to Help Curb Animal Disease Outbreaks Strengthening biosecurity is widely considered the best strategy to reduce the devastating impact of disease outbreaks in the multi-billion-dollar global swine industry, but successfully doing so all comes down to human decision-making, a University of Vermont study shows. The... 05/21/2019 UVM College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduates Go Forth In the final graduation ceremony of UVM’s 218th Commencement weekend, families, friends, faculty and alumni gathered at the UVM Athletic Complex to celebrate the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Class of 2019. In his last commencement at the helm of the College, Dean... 02/11/2019 UVM CREAM Rises to the Top For decades, the University of Vermont student-run dairy herd has been known as one of the highest producing and genetically superior herds in Vermont. This year, a number of national awards from Holstein Association USA distinguish the UVM cows among the best in the nation. Holstein... 08/24/2018 $450,000 Manton Foundation Grant Helps Pave New Future for the Historic UVM Morgan Horse Farm The Manton Foundation has awarded $450,000 to the University of Vermont to fund essential renovations at the UVM Morgan Horse Farm, the University’s historic, 200-acre breeding farm, teaching facility and tourist destination in Weybridge, VT. Recognized on the National Register of... 08/15/2017 Historic UVM Morgan Horse Farm Announces New Leadership and New Opportunities Colonel Joseph Battell probably never imagined in the late 1870’s that the future of his Weybridge, VT, farm would include a pasture of award-winning UVM bred Morgan horses, student apprentices, and visitors from all over the world. Yet, almost 150 years after he launched his passion for... 09/15/2015 Suzie '15 (B.S. Animal Science/Microbiology) NOTE: This story is only about one of the research opportunities that Suzie pursued at UVM. She was also recognized for her research pursuits by receiving the CALS Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Award. Suzie graduated from the University of Vermont in 2015 with a double... 05/18/2015 All Work, All Play, All Good Works Jeff DeCelles, of Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa, is an educator and an entrepreneur. He combines work and play. And he’s ingenious in using something fun and familiar – soccer – as a world ambassador and a metaphor to score victories over HIV. As a UVM undergrad, DeCelle had traveled...