Students sign up for one or two semesters, (4 or 8 total credits) to perform the horse barn duties, keep records, and help make financial and management decisions associated with a horse boarding facility. EQUUS students are assigned Equine Science program horses to manage and exercise, in addition to daily horse chores and helping with weekend horse watch and chores.
Who is the course appropriate for?
- Those students seeking employment in the equine industry.
- Pre-veterinary students seeking hands-on management experience with horses.
- Those students with an avocational interest in horses.
Students meet weekly to discuss and explore other areas of equine management not experienced at the UVM Horse Barn. Each EQUUS member, who is seeking employment related to horses, plans, researches, prepares, and presents a 25-stall barn business plan. Other EQUUS members (or 2nd time EQUUS members that have already done the 25-stall barn business plan) produce a term-paper and gives a presentation on another equine-related topic of interest. In addition, short presentations on topics related to equine management are given by each student to the class several times each semester. The success of this program and the UVM Horse Barn depends on the commitment of EQUUS members to perform responsibly and cooperatively to make this student run horse facility work.
Two semesters are not required, but are recommended. Sophomore or higher standing is required unless the instructor gives permission otherwise. Add this hands-on management skill experience to your resume.

For more information about EQUUS and the Equine Science Program in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, contact: