The Student Political Awareness and Responsibility Coalition (SPARC)



Will Miller and his partner, Ann Lipsitt.

Will Miller (1940-2005), faculty advisor of SPARC and beloved friend and revolutionary passed away on March 31, 2005. The struggle lives on.

Weekly Meeting

Next SPARC Meeting -
6.30 pm, Wednesday, March 3, 2004
223 Votey Building

Meetings open to everyone who wants to get involved, to learn or to inform us of something we should know about. If you have information for us, but can't make a meeting, drop us a line.

[check box graphic] SPARC Anti-Poll

What do you think of President Dan Fogel's vision?

(Poll began 2003.03.03 at 2.30 pm)

Poll Archive

UVM Sparc Website .

Questions, comments: sparc at uvm dot edu