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Open OnDemand

Open OnDemand (OOD) is a web interface to the VACC clusters. Based on the Open OnDemand portal created by the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), it is NSF-funded and open-source. The UVM VACC OOD provides:

  • File management
  • Job management and monitoring
  • Command-line shell access
  • Access to interactive apps (e.g., Jupyter Notebook, RStudio Server, and MATLAB)


To access Open OnDemand, navigate to the link below and log in with your UVM Netid and password (your College of Medicine login username and password will not work).


Below is a screenshot of the OOD toolbar with dropdown link text:



When you click “Files” in the toolbar, you can choose to go to your home directory or your scratch directory. This is a screenshot of the Files interface: Files


When you click Jobs in the toolbar, you can select either Active Jobs or Job Composer. (NOTE: Job Composer opens in a new window.)

Active Jobs allows you to manage the jobs you have submitted using OOD. The Job Composer helps you create new Slurm batch jobs. For instructions on using the Job Composer, see OSC’s Job Management page.


VACC Shell Access opens a terminal in a new window.

Interactive Apps

Currently, we provide Jupyter Notebook, RStudio Server, and MATLAB.

On the app pages, you will see dropdowns that allow you to select the resources you need to run your job. These resources are the same as those you would detail in a Slurm script, but your choices are limited by the selections we offer.

If you’re new to using the cluster, we recommend using the default resources we have provided. In other words, you don’t need to change any of the dropdowns.

Once you have selected the resources you need, click the blue “Launch” button:


You must wait until your session starts. You will see a message that says, “Please be patient as your job currently sits in queue. The wait time depends on the number of cores as well as time requested.”

Once your session has been allocated, the message changes to, “Your session is currently starting… Please be patient as this process can take a few minutes.”

When your session has been created, you will see a blue “Connect to Jupyter” or “Connect to RStudio Server” button. Click the button and you will go to the app.

The app will open in a new window.

My Interactive Sessions

My Interactive Sessions shows you the interactive session you have running and allows you to re-connect to the app or delete the session.


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