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Slurm Partitions

A “partition” is Slurm’s way to refer to a distinct job queue. Each partition has different amounts and types of compute nodes assigned to it, as well as different restrictions on the resources that you can request.

The VACC clusters use the following partitions:


This partition is the default partition for Slurm, used if no partition is specified, and assigns jobs to most of the nodes included in the cluster. (Notably, it does not contain nodes with GPUs at this time.) Default walltime is 30 minutes, maximum time is thirty hours.


This is the debugging or "short task" partition. It has a default time of 30 minutes, and a maximum time of three hours.


This partition is for jobs that need up to one week of walltime to run. It runs on a smaller set of nodes than the general partition.


This is the NVIDIA GPU partition. It has a maximum time of 48 hours and no memory limit. GPU focused jobs which use the NVIDIA GPUs should use this partition. Do not use this partition if your job does not use a GPU.


This is the NVIDIA H100 parition (SOCKS-funded), and has restricted access. If you are a SOCKS researcher, please contact