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Loading Software

Key Change with the Transition to RHEL9

With the change from TCL-based modules to the Lmod module system, we are now using a hierarchal module structure. Modules become available when all of the modules that they depend on (e.g. a compiler) have already been loaded. That means that module available (or the abbreviated command, module avail) will not display packages for which all dependencies have not yet been loaded. If you know the package name, use module spider <name> instead.

Lmod's hierarchical structure provides better organization and reduces module conflicts by requiring that, for some modules, another must be loaded before it becomes available. For example, if we need to have a common parallel file library, HDF5, compiled for two different compilers but the same version, there will be two modules for hdf5. You would use module spider hdf5 to find the version, say 1.12.1. Then you would enter module spider hdf5/1.12.1 to determine which compiler (or compilers) you must load to make that particular version of the hdf5 module available. See below for more detail.

What are Modules?

Modules are software packages that have been pre-installed and configured on the cluster. The Lmod system organizes these packages so that they can be loaded into your environment with a single command. This approach ensures that the right dependencies, paths, and environment variables are set for your software to run correctly. Modules also enable the VACC to provide multiple versions of the same software and to provide packages that may have conflicting configurations.

Key Lmod Commands

module avail: Lists modules that can be loaded without first loading other modules.

module load <module_name>: Loads a specific module into your environment.

module list: Displays the modules currently loaded in your session.

module unload <module_name>: Unloads a specific module from your environment.

module purge: Unloads all currently loaded modules.

module spider: Reports all modules, including those in the hierarchy.

module spider <module_name>: Reports all versions for the modules that match <module_name>.

module spider <module_name>/<version>: Provides a detailed report on a module including what, if any, modules must be loaded first.

module keyword <keyword>: Search through module "help" text and "whatis" descriptions for the given word(s).

Basic use of modules

The most common use of the module command is to load a module, which simply means configuring it for your use. To load a software module, you need to know it's name. If you want to use CUDA, you would use the module command load followed by the module name, which in this case is also the software name (lowercase).

$ module load cuda

To see which modules are currently loaded, you use the module command list.

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) cuda/12.6.2

Note that module list shows both a name and a version number, in this case 12.6.2. When you module load a package, you can also specify the version, as in,

$ module load cuda/12.6.2

When you log out, all modules are unloaded. Therefore, when you log in again, you will need to reload any needed modules.

To reverse the load, you would enter:

$ module unload cuda

Only one version of a module can be loaded at the same time, so you do not have to give the version number when unloading. If you wish to unload all modules, you can use the single command

$ module purge

which clears all modules.

Finding installed software

Loading software once you know the module name is easy; sometimes finding what software is installed presents a bit of a challenge. However, the module command has several ways to locate software packages that can be helpful.

The most general is to search by keyword. This searches for words that appear in either the module's help message or whatis details that include a general package description, keywords, etc. For example, some software has a keyword compiler. An edited result from a keyword search showing the cuda example above would appear like this:

$ module keyword compiler

The following modules match your search criteria: "compiler"

  cuda: cuda/11.8.0, cuda/12.2.2, cuda/12.3.2, cuda/12.4.1, cuda/12.6.2
    CUDA compilers, libraries, and profiler tools.

  gcc: gcc/10.5.0, gcc/13.3.0
    GNU compiler suite

  oneapi: oneapi/2024.2.1
    Intel compiler suite, libraries, and MPI


Note that the first line lists the module name, then after the colon it lists the exact versions for which there are modules in a form that can be used directly with module load. For some packages it may take more than one line. On the line after the name and version, the Description (when available) is displayed.

Once you know the name of the module you want, you can obtain additional information about it using module spider. If you compare the output of module keyword and module spider there is not a lot of difference for many modules. However, for some modules, especially those in the hierarchy, like hdf5, there will be greater differences. Below, we show the output of module keyword hdf5 and module spider hdf5 for comparison.

$ module keyword hdf5

The following modules match your search criteria: "hdf5"

  blast-plus: blast-plus/2.14.1-ca7iit2

  hdf5: hdf5/1.12.1, hdf5/1.14.4-3
    HDF5 data libraries and utilities.
. . .
$ module spider hdf5

      HDF5 data libraries and utilities.


  For detailed information about a specific "hdf5" package (including
  how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
  Note that names that have a trailing (E) are extensions provided by other
  For example:

     $ module spider hdf5/1.14.4-3

The module spider will tell you what you need to know to load a module. For example,

$ module spider hdf5/1.14.4-3

  hdf5: hdf5/1.14.4-3
      HDF5 data libraries and utilities.

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below
    before the "hdf5/1.14.4-3" module is available to load.



      HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing
. . .

The most important information here is that another module must be loaded before the hdf5/1.14.4-3 module is available to load.

Module Hierarchy

The HDF5 program is a library, meaning that it contains binary code used by other programs. The compiler used to install the library must match the compiler used to install any program that uses the library. When you load a compiler module, it adds additional modules to the list of what is available to load. To see what is available before and after loading a compiler compare

$ module avail

------------------------------- /gpfs1/sw/rh9/modules/Core --------------------------
   R/4.4.1                             launcher/3.7
   Rgeospatial/4.4.1-2024-10-02        llama.cpp/b3933-cuda
   Rtidyverse/4.4.1                    macs2/
. . .


$ module load gcc
$ module avail

------------------------- Applications compiled with GCC 13.3.0 ---------------------
   fftw/3.3.10    hdf5/1.12.1          netcdf-c/4.9.2          openmpi/5.0.5
   gdal/3.9.2     hdf5/1.14.4-3 (D)    netcdf-cxx/4.3.1        proj/9.5.0
   geos/3.13.0    itk/5.4.0            netcdf-fortran/4.6.1    sqlite/3.46.1
   gsl/2.8        lapack/3.12.0        openblas/0.3.28
. . .

As you can see, a number of modules that were not there previously now appears before the 'Core' applications that were at the top of the list previously. The Core applications are still available, but they appear below the list of those compiled with GCC 13.3.0.

This is called a hierarchy, in this case a compiler hierarchy. There is also a hierarchy for programs that use the message passing interface (MPI), and there may eventually be others. Using module spider will always identify modules that are included in a hierarchy and tell you which module must be loaded to make it available.

About module version numbers

If you enter module spider to see a complete list of available software, you might notice that a number of packages have a hyphenated version number with the latter part of the version consisting of a mix of 7 seemingly random letters and numbers. The following are some examples of such packages:

  bamtools: bamtools/2.5.2-twq7d2p
  bcftools: bcftools/1.19-iq5mwek
  bedtools2: bedtools2/2.31.1-xip5kr5

Software with this version scheme indicates packages that have been installed using the Spack package manager. A 7-character hash is appended to the version number as a means of distinguishing between multiple variants of the same software. Previously, VACC users would have had to use special Spack commands to search for and load those packages. Now, all modules are integrated and the Spack commands are no longer in use.

Most Spack-installed packages are in a compiler hierarchy as described above. You can make those available by first loading the following compiler:

$ module load gcc/13.3.0-xp3epyt
$ module avail

------------ /gpfs1/sw/spack/0.22.2/modules/linux-rhel9-x86_64/gcc/13.3.0 ------------
   bamtools/2.5.2-twq7d2p       fastp/0.23.4-mjw7rak     picard/3.1.1-otrgwkh
   bcftools/1.19-iq5mwek        fastqc/0.12.1-qxseug5    samtools/1.19.2-pfmpoam
   bedtools2/2.31.1-xip5kr5     hisat2/2.2.1-x7h4grf     sratoolkit/3.0.0-y2rspiu
   blast-plus/2.14.1-ca7iit2    htslib/1.19.1-6ivqauw    star/2.7.11a-cp575va
   bowtie2/2.5.2-qd4omrm        minimap2/2.28-qcu5ixf    trimmomatic/0.39-vdnktze
   bwa/0.7.17-iqv3cxl           openmpi/4.1.6-67ovor6
. . .

Other compiler versions and types are likely to be used in the future. The module spider command will always be the best way of making sure you do not miss any available software.

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