Recipients of federal, state and UVM need-based student aid retain eligibility by maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
- UVM is required to have a written policy that is published and available to all students. The SAP policy must be the same as or more strict than the academic policy that is applied to students enrolled in the same program who are not receiving federal student aid.
- The SAP policy must include a quantitative measure (maximum time frame and pace of completion), qualitative measure (GPA), and must determine the regular intervals when SAP will be measured. The policy must address the treatment of remedial and ESL courses, audited and pass/fail credits, incompletes, transfer, consortium, second degree and second major courses, and withdrawals.
Quantitative Standard
Students must maintain at least the minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) listed below for their college and major:
- Maximum time frame: For an undergraduate program, the maximum time frame cannot exceed 150% of the published length of the program in credit hours attempted.
- The majority of UVM's undergraduate programs require 120 credits for graduation; for these programs, the maximum timeframe is 180 attempted credits.
- For programs requiring more than 120 credits for graduation, the maximum timeframe is determined by multiplying the number of credit hours required for graduation by 150% and rounding down to the nearest whole integer. For example:
If the credits required for graduation are: | The maximum timeframe is: |
120 | 180 attempted credits |
121 | 181 attempted credits |
124 | 186 attempted credits |
126 | 189 attempted credits |
130 | 195 attempted credits |
The maximum time frame is not extended for students who change majors, pursue a double major and/or double minor.
For students pursuing a double major, the maximum timeframe is based on the program which requires the fewest credits for graduation. Students who have not declared a major are held to the 180 attempted credit maximum.
Maximum timeframe is based on credits required to graduate as provided to Student Financial Services annually from each College's Dean's Office.
Pace: Undergraduate students must earn at least 67% (cumulative) of the credit hours they attempt.
Attempted credits: A credit hour is considered attempted if a student is officially registered for the credit at the conclusion of the drop/add period for the applicable term or module except that:
A credit is considered attempted if the credit is officially added after the conclusion of the drop/add period (a retroactive add).
A credit is not considered attempted if a student is officially registered for a credit hour at the conclusion of the drop/add period for the applicable term/module but the course professor or dean's office subsequently certifies that the student never attended the course and as a result the credit is retroactively dropped.
Qualitative Standard
Students must maintain at least the minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) listed below for their college and major:
College | Major | Minimum Cumulative GPA |
Agriculture and Life Sciences | All | 2.00 |
Arts and Sciences | All | 2.00 |
Education and Social Services | All | 2.00 |
Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | Computer Science, Computer Science & Information Systems, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics | 2.00 |
| All others, including undeclared, if admitted Fall 2017 or later | 2.00 |
| All others, including undeclared, if admitted prior to Fall 2017 | 2.30 |
Nursing & Health Sciences | Athletic training | 3.00 |
| Medical Laboratory Science, Medical Radiation Services, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Health Sciences | 2.30 |
| Professional Nursing | 2.80 |
| Undeclared | 2.00 |
| All others | 2.50 |
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources | All | 2.00 |
Grossman School of Business Administration | All | 2.00 |
Students who are pursuing a double major with majors that have different cumulative GPA requirements for financial aid are held to the higher cumulative GPA requirement.
Incompletes and Withdrawals
Grades of I and W are counted as courses attempted but not earned and count towards the maximum time frame.
Audited Courses
Students do not earn any academic credit for audited courses. They do not count in the calculation of GPA, attempted or earned credits. Note that financial aid is not available to assist with courses taken for audit.
Pass/Fail Courses
These hours count toward the total of attempted and, if passed, earned hours.
Repeated Courses
A course is repeated when a student takes the same course, with the same content, more than once. Content, not course subject, number and title, determines whether a course is being repeated. (For example, a student who takes Classics 096/Special Topics in the fall and spring terms is not repeating the course if the fall course studies Plato and the spring course studies The Aeneid.) In cases where the course subject and number repeat but new content is provided, the course is not considered to be repeated and all attempts of the course are included when calculating a student's GPA and attempted and earned credit hours.
When a course is repeated on or after August 30, 2020:
- The GPA calculation will only include the grade for the repeated course (regardless of whether the grade is higher or lower).
- A student may not earn credits twice for the same course - therefore:
- When both attempts are taken at UVM, the credit hours for both attempts are counted in the calculation of attempted credits
- If a student successfully passes both attempts, the calculation of earned credits includes only one attempt;
- If a student does not successfully complete the repeat course, the calculation of earned credits does not include either attempt and the calculation of attempted credits includes both attempts;
- If a student successfully completes the repeated course, the calculation of earned credits includes only the successful attempt and the calculation of attempted credits includes both attempts.
- Any credit for previously transferred coursework that is repeated at UVM will be removed from the transfer credits and only the credits for the repeated attempt are included in the calculation of attempted and earned credits.
Academic Amnesty
For the purposes of determining Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid purposes, all courses and grades for courses that are granted academic amnesty are still considered when determining whether a student meets the quantitative and qualitative standards.
Transfer/Consortium Credits
Transfer credits are counted as hours attempted and earned. Transfer credits are not factored when calculating a student's GPA.
Credits earned before enrolling in a degree program
Credits taken while a non-degree students at UVM but which apply toward a student's undergraduate degree are included in the calculation of a student's attempted and earned credits and when calculating a student's GPA.
Remedial and ESL courses
These hours count as both attempted and, if passed, earned hours, as well as in the GPA calculation.
Each financial aid recipient's progress is reviewed annually, at the conclusion of the spring semester. Students are measured against both qualitative and the quantitative standards. Students are responsible for notifying Student Financial Services of any grade changes which occur after grade processing and satisfactory academic progress evaluations are complete.
If a student is not meeting the standard, the student's eligibility for federal, state and UVM need-based aid is terminated. The student is notified that their eligibility has been terminated. The student's College Student Services Office is also notified. The notice provides students information about the SAP standards and how the student can appeal the decision to terminate their aid eligibility.
If a student was previously placed on financial aid warning (under policies in place during prior aid years), their progress will be reviewed at the end of their warning term.
If a student was placed on probationary status, their progress will be reviewed after each term that the student is enrolled in classes.
Financial Aid Probation
Financial Aid Probation status is assigned to a student who has failed to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and whose financial aid eligibility has been reinstated based on a successful appeal. During a period of financial aid probation, a student who meets all other eligibility requirements remains eligible for federal, state, and UVM need-based aid. When a student's appeal is granted, financial aid probation is granted for one or more semesters based on an academic plan provided as part of the student's appeal. Student's remain on financial aid probation provided they comply with the terms of their academic plan. Their progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester.
Students may appeal a termination of financial aid based on failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students are advised to appeal as soon as possible after receipt of their termination notice. All appeals must be submitted in writing using the UVM SAP Appeal Form, must clearly document why the student failed to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards, what has changed that will allow the student to meet the standards, and must be accompanied by an academic plan, signed by their College Student Services Office or academic advisor which indicates the specific actions the student will take to meet the standard and when the student will meet the standard. Complete appeal forms along with the academic plan and supporting documentation should be submitted to Student Financial Services.
The appeal is reviewed by a committee from the office of Student Financial Services. The decision of the committee is final.
If you register or are registered for courses for another semester before submitting an appeal or while an appeal is pending, you should prepare to pay for these courses without federal, state or UVM need-based financial aid. UVM’s tuition refund schedule and add/drop deadlines apply, even if you have a pending Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal. The last day an appeal will be accepted, for the Fall and Spring term, is the last day of the add/drop deadline. For the Summer term, appeals must be submitted by the first add/drop deadline among the courses for which the student is registered or by May 31st, whichever is later. If an appeal is presented after this timeline it may be automatically denied.
If the appeal is granted, the student will be placed on Satisfactory Academic Probation contingent upon successful completion of the academic plan provided as part of their appeal. The student shall remain on probation provided they comply with their academic plan, until they meet UVM's Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
If the appeal is denied, the student can continue to attend UVM, but it would be at their own expense.
The student and their College Student Services Office will be notified of the outcome of the appeal.
Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility
A student whose financial aid eligibility has been terminated for failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and who is subsequently found to be meeting the SAP standards and who meets all other eligibility requirements shall be eligible for federal, state, and UVM need-based aid.