Volunteering At UVM

UVM staff can volunteer their time with a local nonprofit, and use flex time to do so. The existing time release policy for service provides for flexibility in scheduling community volunteering.

Details about Arranging and Permitting Leave Time to Volunteer
When using time during work hours to perform service, staff could use either leave time (vacation) or flex time (with permission from their supervisor).  As with any time off, staff absences must be able to be reasonably covered to allow for operation of their department. All time-off and flexible scheduling is subject to supervisor approval. Employees should talk with their supervisors about their willingness to serve, as well as to follow any existing leave procedures.

Is there a limit to how much a staff member can volunteer, or which kinds of staff can volunteer?
The guidelines do not note a limit on the number of service hours allowed. Supervisors are encouraged to provide reasonable paid release time and flexibility in scheduling for employees to serve in ways outlined in the “Leave & Time Off” handbook for non-represented staff. There is no difference noted for those who are non-exempt vs. exempt.

Can my unit volunteer together as a group?
Volunteer activities performed by members of the same work unit may encourage team-building, but they must be voluntary in terms of participation.

How do I log volunteer hours in PeopleSoft?
When you log these volunteer hours in PeopleSoft, you may use Report Code 368 - Community/Professional Service.

Other Resources
You can read more on pages 22-23 in the UVM Handbook (PDF).

  • Where to Volunteer

    Stay tuned for a curated list of great local organizations at which your colleagues volunteer and can recommend! Click here for a current list from University Relations.