There are Two Types of Carryforward
NIH Awards
SNAP Awards (Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process)
- NIH awards designated as SNAP awards in the NIH NOA, have automatic carryforward.
- All funds awarded remain available for the life of the project.
- No action is needed.
non-SNAP Awards (require approval)
- See: NIH eCommons Carryforward Instructions
- Requests to carryforward unobligated balances from one budget period to the next is made using eRA Commons (NIH Electronic System)
- eRA Commons, (NIH Electronic System), will make available a carryover request in the Prior Approval Module when the following two conditions are met:
- Prior year’s FFR (Federal Financial Report) has been submitted.
- The grant is still active.
- PI or Unit Administrator (UA) should contact SPA FA to confirm the FFR has been submitted oin eRA Commons.
- PI working with UA will initiate a carryover request electronically using the eRA Commons Prior Approval Module.
- The following information is required:
- Amount of Unobligated funds to be carried over
- Explanation of why unobligated funds remain
- Budget justification for the unobligated funds
- Scientific justification
- Upon PI submission, eRA Commons will notify SPA that a prior approval request is pending in Commons.
- SPA will review the information, verify where needed, and submit the request
To initiate sponsor approval to Carryover funds from one year to the next you will need to use the UVMClick - Request Award Modification activity.
1.Login to UVMClick.
2.Click the Grants Tab, click Awards, Search for the applicable award (By PI Name is probably easiest).
3.Click on the "Name" (title) to open the record.
4.Click the left side menu item "Request Award Modification".
5.Complete the SmartForm, and click Finish.
The Carryforward request is sent to the assigned SPA Specialist who will complete the action.
For a more details refer to: