Find Funding for Your Project
Search Tools and Alert Services
Search Tools
- Pivot-RP (UVM subscription; NetID required)
- Vermont Directory of Foundations
- Search Grants (for federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities)
- Contract Opportunities (formerly )
Alert Services
- Pivot Alerts
- NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (for all NIH announcements) use Advanced Search to create targeted alert
- National Science Foundation Update or Social Media Tools for news and grant announcements
- USDA/NIFA Sign up for Email or other Social Media Tools for News and Events Updates
- Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
- E-mail Subscription for Funding Notices for any federal agencies without individual alert sign ups
- Philanthropy News Digest RFPs - alerts and search engine for Foundation and other grantmaking organization funding opportunities
Limited Competitions
- A limited competition is a grant program where the sponsor restricts the number of applications that may be submitted by an institution, thus requiring an internal selection process.
- SPA along with several other units on campus use the UVM InfoReady Review Portal for interested applicants to submit their expressions of interest to be the selected applicant.
- Visit the Limited Submissions webpage to view active limited competitions and instructions for expressing interest.
Internal UVM Sources
OVPR Competitions
The Office of the Vice President for Research offers several internal grant completions designed specifically to stimulate research and scholarship.