Legal Entity
University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Sponsored Project Administration
217 Waterman Building
85 South Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05405-0160
Ph: (802) 656-3360
Check Mailing Address
Lana Metayer, Director
Sponsored Project Administration
217 Waterman Building
85 South Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05405-0160
SPA Facts
UVM Signing Officials - All Documents
- Kirk Dombrowski, Vice President for Research, Office of Vice President for Research
- Brian Prindle, Executive Director of Research Administration and Integrity
- Lana Metayer, Director, Sponsored Project Administration
- Julie Macy, Assistant Director, Proposal Submissions and Award Administration
- Emily Trantum, Assistant Director, Award Negotiation, Acceptance, and Set Up
Proposal Signing Officials
- Julie Macy, Assistant Director
- Deb Cannon, Research Administrator
- Austin Cregger, Research Administrator
- Sandra MacDonald, Research Administrator
- Amy Santos, Research Administrator
Organizational Chart
Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement
- F&A Rate Table hosted by Cost Accounting (PDF)
- F&A Rate Agreement (PDF), most recent rate Agreement dated 5/1/2024.
Fringe Benefit Rates
- All proposals must use the federally approved fringe benefit rates in effect at the time the proposal is submitted.
- UVMClick proposal budgeting system will calculate the fringe automatically, using the most current rates in effect at the time of proposal creation.
- Approved fringe rates are a part of the UVM F&A Rate Agreement (PDF), see page 3.
Federal Tax Identification Number
- 03-0179440
- 103-0179440A1 (PHS)
- 103-0179440A2 (USDE)
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
- Starting April 4, 2022, the UEI will be the unique entity identifier used with federal funding opportunities, replacing the DUNS number.
DUNS Number (Phased out on April 4, 2022. Always use the UEI #)
- 066811191
- Caution: Starting April 4, 2022, the UEI will be the unique entity identifier used with federal funding opportunities, replacing the DUNS number.
CAGE Code Number
- 00G82
SAM Registration
- Expires 4/16/25
Congressional District
- Vermont-at-large = VT-001
ASAP Recipient ID
- 5099490ASAP
UVM's NIH IPF Number
Find NIH Progress Report Due Dates using NIH Quick Queries Search by UVM's IPF #: 8738101
Tax Exempt Number
- 450-030179440F-01
UVM Business Account # issued by VT Dept of Tax
Used with State of Vermont Contracts or Subcontracts, occasionally: Account Number: 10027122
UVM Non-Profit Status Letter
Single Audit (Formerly A-133 Audit Report)
Cognizant DHHS Audit Agency
DS-2 Cost Accounting Disclosure Statement
Nuclear Regulatory Commission LIcense Number (NRC)
- 44-000728-13
Human Subject FWA Assurance #
- FWA 00000723
Animal Welfare Assurance #
- A3301-01
AAALAC Accreditation
- 07/11/2016
Annual Report and Assurance on Possible Research Misconduct
- FY24 Assurance and Research Misconduct Report Filed on: 1/02/2025
- Assurance Number: 8738101
DHHS Assurance of Compliance Form HHS 690
Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act
• Form HHS-690(PDF), signed and submitted on 7/6/18
EU Participant Identification Code (PIC)
- 986550432