Kate Tracy, Ph.D., Featured on ‘Across the Fence’ for Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

For January Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the January 27 episode of the University of Vermont’s Across the Fence program features Kate Tracy, Ph.D., senior associate dean for research at the Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine and director of research for the UVM Health Network. A scientist with extensive expertise in women’s health, particularly in cervical cancer prevention among underserved populations, Tracy and her research were highlighted in the Fall 2024 issue of Vermont Medicine magazine

Across the Fence is a daily 15-minute television program co-produced by UVM Extension and WCAX-TV informing viewers about activities being conducted by University of Vermont faculty, staff, and students that benefit viewers and their communities. It airs weekdays at 12:15 p.m. on WCAX-TV Channel 3.

Watch Kate Tracy, Ph.D., on Across the Fence