What is Planon?
Planon is UVM's enterprise-wide Integrated Work Management Software (IWMS) which brings most facilities-related business and work management workflows together in one software portal.
Planon is used for:
- Submitting Maintenance Requests
- Assigning and Managing Work Orders
- Work Order Cost Recovery
- Scheduling Planned/Preventive Maintenance
- Asset (Equipment) Record-keeping and Management
- Space Management and Space Assignments
- Annual Space Survey
- Material Management and Stock Purchases
How to Access Planon
Planon is cloud-based and any web browser will work. Planon uses UVM Webauth and all UVM employees may log in with their UVM NetID Single-Sign-On credentials.
Planon User Tutorials
For basic instructions on how to enter a new service request, check out Planon Self-Service: Getting Started.
Planon Video Tutorials
For all Planon Users
For UVM Departmental Requestors
- Entering a New Service Request (Video, 10:17 minutes)
- Entering Billing Allocation Chartstring Segments (Video, 2:00 minutes)
- Entering a Vehicle Repair Request to UVM Automotive (Video, 4:47 minutes)
For Custodial Unit Supervisors Only
For Space Survey Administrators
Find additional video tutorials on the Space Survey.
Planon Service Request FAQ's
Will I get a “heads up” on my request? How will I know when the maintenance technician will show up to do the work?
Yes, Planon has an "automated notifications” feature in place. The following status changes of your initial Request will trigger an automated e-mail sent to your uvm.edu address. The email will appear as coming from sos@uvm.edu. You should receive:
- Confirmation email when you first enter your request in system.
- Notification email when maintenance technician has been assigned to your request.
- Notification email when technician has technically completed your request, and
- Notification email when your Request has been administratively completed.
What if my maintenance request relates to something outdoors? What "property" should I enter as the location?
The “Property” box is mandatory and always needs a value to be filled in. The Floor and Space fields can be left blank. Property is required because otherwise we wouldn’t know where the problem is! For Building Exteriors or Grounds-related Services, you may pick the closest building to where the problem is ….or you can use the blue search box to find other. The drop-down list of Properties includes places like Parking Lots and areas of campus that are not buildings. The (“Select a Value”) Search allows you to search on Property Names. For example, you can type in ‘Allen house’ and click search to narrow the list. You can choose Allen House Grounds or Allen House Parking Lot, depending on what the issue is about.
Who can enter a new Service Request on behalf of my department?
Planon is available to all University employees. All staff have the basic “Requestor” role and can submit service requests (ranging from building maintenance repairs to custodial cleaning requests) for issues in their office or building. Keep in mind, some services are considered 'elective' meaning the requesting department must supply a valid chartstring budget with their request.
Can I have “favorites” saved for my departmental Chartstrings so that I don’t have to manually type in my Chart String for each new request?
Entering your Chart of Account budget segments is rather easy in Planon. Most every data field in the system uses “pick from list” data validations so you can avoid typing in long strings of numbers. On the back-end, we can create favorites (known as Speed Charts) for the budgets that you frequently use. Just email SOS (sos@uvm.edu) with your details including department name and the entire chartstring (Chart of Accounts) 'sequence' and the nickname of what you’d like to call it.
Will I be able to see the progress on the work order when checking back on my request?
Yes, the “My requests” widget on your Home screen displays a list of all the requests you’ve already submitted. This listing shows the status of your request. To view more details about the work order (resulting from your request), click on the “Work Overview” task specific interface (TSI) to see the list of all your Request Orders along with additional details.
What if my department assignment is not listed correctly in Planon?
The personnel data listed in Planon is imported from the University’s LDAP (Directory). Planon pulls in basic information from LDAP such as your name, NetID, preferred pronoun, and your department. If any of these data fields are not correct, then you’ll need to correct the information in the UVM Directory.
What if my office location is not listed correctly in Planon?
Your official space assignment (i.e. the office number and building that’s shown in your Planon user profile) is derived from UVM’s official Space Inventory data which is also kept inside Planon. Users cannot change or edit their own space assignment. If it is not listed correctly, notify your department’s designated Space Survey Administrator and they will work with the Campus Planning team to correct the information during the next annual campus-wide survey.
Get Additional Help
- For questions about entering or looking up a chartstring, or to request a new "Speed Chart" shortcut: Email sos@uvm.edu
- For general user questions regarding Planon:
Submit an ETS Help Request - For "back-end" Facilities Management users of Planon:
Create an EAS footprint for Business Application Support - For questions related to Planon Space Survey
Go to UVM Space Survey
Stay Informed
Subscribe to the "Service Request Users" Listserv for periodic updates about Planon