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Tags: forest management
- Dataset Overstory and regeneration data from the "Rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands" study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 1)
- Project A Decision-Support System for Management of Sugar Maple Defoliated by Forest Tent Caterpillar (Score: 0.83)
- Project Long-term Managed Forest Soil Monitoring for Carbon and Nutrients (Score: 0.83)
- Project Forest Research at Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Overstory Tree and Regeneration Data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" Study: Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Understory Vegetation in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest since 2003 (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Ecosystem and Vegetation Response to Hemlock Logging in Southern New England 1999-2005 (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Impacts of Hemlock Harvesting in Central Massachusetts 2003-2009 (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Timber Harvesting Field Study in Western Massachusetts 2004-2005 (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Whole Tree Harvest 1982-2009: Watershed 5, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.83)
- Dataset Landscape Response to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Southern New England 1997-2011 (Score: 0.67)