The vision of PROSPER is to support community partnerships that sustain the most effective programs for promoting positive youth development and strong families, and to facilitate translation of prevention science into widespread community practice. PROSPER stands for PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience. 

This evidence-based delivery system links university-based prevention researchers with two established program delivery systems within a state—the Cooperative Extension System at the Land Grant University and the public school system. The public school system offers collaborators who support evidence-based programs access to youth in the community. Extension offers knowledge of the community and experience in disseminating educational programs. In this way, the delivery system entails a partnership-based approach to evidence-based programming, called the PROSPER Partnership model. 

More about PROSPER Programs

PROSPER Partners

Lyndon Town School


Why Lyndon Town School is a PROSPER Partner: The decisions we make today, dictate the life we lead. It is important to have the tools in life that can help us live a happy, healthy and satisfying life. The earlier we gain these tools the sooner we start using them and the better our lives can be. Step Up and PROSPER at Lyndon Town School is a tool that will assist in the transition from 5th grade to middle school; not just for students but for families as well. Communication, problem solving, decision making, healthy choices, cooperation, leadership and self-responsibility are just some of the many life skills a 6th grader and their family will address by participating in Strengthening Families Program 10-14. Students continue to participate in this evidence-based programming with LifeSkills in 7th grade. Join us in the belief that your actions now will impact your future.

Listen to the VPR Story on PROSPER by Charlotte Albright.

Lyndon Town School Team

2591 Lily Pond Road | Lyndonville, VT 05851 | 802-626-3209

  • Sarah Kleinman, Team Leader, 802-656-7637
  • Mollie Falk, Co-Leader, LTS School Guidance Counselor, and SFP 10-14 Facilitator
  • Ellen Rowe, Prevention Coordinator, UVM Extension
  • Amy Gale, LTS Principal
  • Kathrin Lawlor, Vermont Department of Health
  • Lindsay Carpenter, Community member and SFP 10-14 Facilitator
  • Sue Galipeault, LTS Educator, SFP 10-14 Facilitator/Trainer
  • Cheryl Chandler, Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
  • Jeanne Laughton, Faith-based Community Representative
  • Tim and Lisa Ulrich, LTS Parents

Camels Hump Middle School


Why Camels Hump Middle School is a PROSPER Partner: In an effort to provide community dialogue and resources, University of Vermont Extension has partnered with the Camels Hump Middle School to implement PROSPER. Since the Fall of 2013, PROSPER Teams, composed of community stakeholders, cooperate to deliver evidence-based programs to a critical mass of families and youth in a targeted age group to bring about positive community-wide change. The Camels Hump Middle School serves as a community gathering spot, where the school community can access resources and programming. Read About PROSPER's Impact at Camel's Hump (PDF).

Camels Hump Team

173 School Street | Richmond, VT 05477 | 802-434-2188

  • Kara Bissonnette, Team Leader, SFP 10-14 Facilitator
  • Rachel Elliot, Co-Leader, CHMS School Health teacher, SFP 10-14 Facilitator
  • Mark Carbone, CHMS Principal
  • Sarah Kleinman, UVM Extension
  • Bryan Agran, Community Member
  • Michael Dooling, Community Member
  • Megan Fitzpatrick, CHMS Parent
  • Keith Fitzpatrick, CHMS Parent
  • Amanda Froeschle, Vermont Department of Health
  • Leah Licari, CHMS Educator, SFP 10-14 Facilitator
  • Bronwyn McKeown, CHMS Parent
  • Cara Mezitt, CHMS Parent
  • Ken Nussbaum, Community Member

Derby Elementary School


Derby Elementary School Team

  • Sarah Kleinman, Team Leader, UVM Extension
  • Stacey Urban, DES Principal
  • RoseAnna Cyr, DES Guidance Counselor
  • Lisa Austin, DES School Nurse
  • Renee Barrup, DES Teacher, SFP Facilitator
  • Julie Raboin, Vermont Department of Health
  • Allyson Howl, Umbrella
  • Savannah William, Umbrella

Orleans South Supervisory Union


Orleans South Supervisory Union Team

  • Sarah Kleinman, Team Leader UVM Extension
  • Ellen Rowe, Prevention Coordinator, UVM Extension
  • Caitlyn Bottiggi, OSSU Co-Leader
  • Michelle Salvador, Vermont Department of Health
  • Adam Roseberg, OSSU Superintendent

St. Johnsbury School


St. Johnsbury School Team

  • Sarah Kleinman, Team Leader UVM Extension
  • Ellen Rowe, Prevention Coordinator, UVM Extension
  • Melissa Maney, Co-Leader, SJS Guidance Counselor
  • Jeremy Ross, SJS Principal
  • Tennyson Marceau, Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
  • Kathrin Lawlor, Vermont Department of Health
  • Lauren Farina, SJS Educator
  • Lisa Emerson, SJS Educator

PROSPER Partners

Logos: Vermont Department of Health; NVRH; Vermont Children's Trust Foundation; MVP Health Care; Lyndon College; RuralEdge

About National PROSPER

State Management Team

The State Management Team coordinates implementation across community sites and conducts process and outcome evaluation.

Sarah Kleinman, PROSPER State Coordinator & State Agency Advisory
Responsible for the local functioning of the community teams.  Make sure Prevention Coordinator and Team Leaders have the resources to do their jobs.  Liaison, convener of state agencies to keep them informed and solicit their input.

Ellen Rowe, PROSPER Evaluation Coordinator
Oversees web-based youth surveys for school-based program as well as hard copy youth and parent/guardian surveys for family-based program.  Works with Team Leaders to collect survey data and fidelity observation forms.  Creates reports and shares data with funders and collaborators.