Extension Impact | University of Vermont Extension | The University of Vermont(title)

These summaries of program impact appear in the Land Grant Impacts Database, a national system that documents and demonstrates the collective impacts of the LGU (Land Grant University) system of teaching, research and extension institutions. 

This information is also utilized by USDA-NIFA (United States Department of Agriculture - National Institute of Food and Agriculture), LGU’s, ECOP (Extension Committee on Policy), ESCOP (Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy) and other private/public entities to document the meaningful work of the research and extension enterprise within the LGU system.  

Impact News

Connecting Agritourism Operators from Around the Globe


Building a Better (and Cheaper!) Portable Handwashing Station

portable handwash station with water dispenser

Bridging the Health Care Gap

migrant farm worker picking tomatoes

Arbor Day Celebration Kits

A Vermont 4-H Member and Horse Quiz Bowl

brown horse looking left at 4-H

2022 Vermont Maple Career Development Event

maple syrup poured into a barrel

Vermont Tree Wardens Head Back to School

trees on hillside

Teaching Teens to Eat Smart, Move More

assorted vegetables on brown wooden table

Supporting Indigenous People in Their Efforts to Conserve Black Ash

black ash tree leaves

Recruiting Community Volunteers for Emerald Ash Borer Education

emerald ash borer with metallic green wings