It is important to know that in Drupal, pages are known as "nodes" -- reflected by the node number generated in the URL when you make a new page (node) and then click into the "Edit" tab. You can either use the node number when linking to a page in your own website or the node's page name. Chances are when linking to a page in another website/group, you will not know the node number. Read more ...


node in url - image


visual of dropdown url field

Linking in Drupal

  1. Select the text (or image) that will serve as a link.
  2. Click the link button .
  3. Choose one of the follwoing (reference above image):
    • Internal path (default): If you are linking to content in your Drupal group, start typing the name of that page. Drupal will show a list of content (with node number) that matches what you type. Select the appropriate one from the list. You can also type in the node/xxxxxx path here, if you know it. For links to files, simply type or paste in the path as shown in our documentation on linking to files. DO NOT copy/paste long links from your website to other pages within your site.
    • URL: Type or paste in a URL. (For links within your Drupal group, we strongly recommend using the “Internal path” method for linking.
    • E-mail: Provide a link to an e-mail address that will utilize the user’s preferred email client (if the user has one configured). You may optionally pre-populate the subject and body text of the email.

You cannot use this tool in the quicklinks field (sidebar) and you'll need to use the node or a full URL there.

Anchors in Drupal


  1. Identify the destination by using the anchor button. Give it a simple name, ie: "link_info1"
  2. Identify the content you will link from and highlight.
  3. Select the link button
  4. Toggle "Link Type" to "URL"
  5. Enter name of anchor starting with hashtag: #link_info1
  6. Save, publish, test.

Anchoring to a spot on another page in the same group

  1. Identify the destination by using the anchor button. Give it a simple name, ie: "link_info1"
  2. In the link origination page, identify the content you will link from and highlight.
  3. While in this node, copy the node number in the url (/node/12345)
  4. Select the link button
  5. Toggle "Link Type" to "URL"
  6. Enter the node number of the destination page: /node/12345
  7. Add anchor link to end of URL: /node/12345#link_info1
  8. Save, publish, test.

Anchoring to a spot OUT of current Drupal group to another page

  1. Identify the destination by using the anchor button . Give it a simple name, ie: "link_info1". If this page is not maintained by you, you'll have to work with the site owner on this step in order to create the anchored destination.
  2. In the link origination page, identify the content you will link from and highlight.
  3. select "URL" as the "Link Type"
  4. Paste destination URL. (
  5. Add anchor link to end of URL  (Now:
  6. Save, publish, test.