Get Involved

The Davis Center is the heart of campus activity — and the heart of UVM is its vibrant and engaged student population. With that in mind, our building was constructed to be a hub of student involvement — with dedicated spaces for student clubs, activities, and government.

On the third floor alone lives the Department of Student Life, Diversity and Equity Unit office and lounge, student clubs and organizations, Davis Center operations, Student Government Association (SGA) and Graduate Student Senate (GSS), and the student-run UVM Program Board (UPB). Student-run groups WRUV (the school radio station), The Vermont Cynic (the school newspaper), and the Ski and Snowboard Clubhaus also have dedicated spaces on the first floor of the building.

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)


The Graduate Student Senate cultivates both the academic and nonacademic activities of the graduate student body, and enhances all aspects of graduate school life at the University of Vermont. GSS serves as a voice for graduate students, and act as a liaison between the University of Vermont’s administration, faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students.

The GSS office is located on the third floor in suite 311 alongside the Student Government Association. 

Student Government Association (SGA)


Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.  Suite 311

The Student Government Association (SGA) at UVM is the official representative voice of the student body. SGA representatives are often brought to the table when major decisions are being made that affect life and study on campus — and to advocate for the student experience. The Student Government Association offices are housed in the Davis Center.

SGA–recognized clubs and organizations

SGA is also home to over 180 clubs and organizations at UVM — from Bee Keeping to Quidditch provides a physical space, funding, and resources to this wide range of clubs. Check out the most up-to-date list of these organizations on SGA's website — if you don't see a club that's right for you, you could always start a new club.

UVM Clubs

UVM Clubs (formerly "the Lynx") is our database of SGA-recognized clubs and organizations (plus some!).  You can peruse to see what each club does, what events they're hosting, who's on their current roster — you can even find applicable forms and applications that various clubs might need require you to fill out to join. 

UVM Clubs

Glass door outside of the student life office with the UVM Logo and the "Student Life" logo alongside the office hours of operation

The Department of Student Life

Attend a fun event, get involved, or just stop by to grab a free (yes, free!) movie ticket. The Department of Student Life on the third floor of the Davis Center is your hub for campus involvement.

Visit Student Life