A grid of four photos: a young Asian woman signs through a laptop screen to an off-camera user; a young white man with Down Syndrome smiles happily at the camera, dressed in business casual; an Asian man in his late thirties, masked, waves to someone in a phone; a blind Black woman in her early twenties sits next to her service animal, a large German shepherd.

Accessibility is not optional.

Everyone is welcome. And that means making sure that events, presentations, publications, and websites are accessible to everyone, regardless of ability.

Basic Accessible Design Guidelines


Text: Accessibility Resources

Upcoming Workshops

  • 3/27: Improve Brightspace Course Accessibility (UVM Center for Teaching & Learning)
  • 4/16: Introduction to Plain Language Writing for Researchers and Academics (AUCD)
  • 4/30: Accessible Presentation Materials (CDCI)