The Administrative and Management staff in the College of Engineering and Mathematical Services are organized into functional teams. Please use the link below to view tables with contacts listed by functional area.
CEMS Deans Office Staff
Acting Dean, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences • Professor, Department of Civil and Enivronmental Engineering
mdewoolk@uvm.eduGeotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; transportation geotechnics, hazard mitigation; geotechnical aspects of space exploration; cultural preservation; engineering education
Assistant Dean for Equity, Belonging, and Student Engagement • Lecturer, College of Education and Social Services • Lecturer, College of Arts and Sciences
KC.Williams@uvm.eduStudent Advocacy, Social Psychology, Marriage and Family, Sociology of Gender, Social Problems, and Social Diversity
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs • Senior Lecturer
cdgiles@uvm.eduSTEM Education, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Faculty Development, Scheduling and Enrollment Management, Institutional Effectiveness, Environmental Biogeochemistry, Service and Civic Learning
CEMS Operations and HR Director
jacob.leopold@uvm.eduHuman Resources (Faculty and Staff)
Sponsored Projects