Physics Syllabus Archive

Course syllabi for the Department of Physics

Fall 2023
Fall 2023 Syllabi for Physics And Astronomy
CourseCourse Title and Syllabus Instructor
PHYS 1400A1400 A Elementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 1400B1400 B Elementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 1410A1410A Elementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 1410B1410B Elementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 3500Quantum Mechanics I (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
PHYS 3600Introduction to Solid State Physics (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
Spring 2023
Spring 2023 Course Syllabi for Physics And Astronomy
CourseCourse Title and SyllabusInstructor
PHYS 012 AElementary Physics Section A (PDF)Dr. Luke Donforth
PHYS 012 BElementary Physics Section B (PDF)Jason Pepe
PHYS 013Conceptual Physics (PDF)Jason Pepe
PHYS 022Introductory Lab II (PDF)Dr. Varuni Seneviratne
PHYS 031 APhysics for Engineers I Section A (PDF)Dr. Luke Donforth
PHYS 031 BPhysics for Engineers I Section B (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 031 CPhysics for Engineers I Section C (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 096Conceptual Physics Lab (PDF)Dr. Varuni Seneviratne
PHYS 152Fundamentals of Physics II (PDF)Matthew White
PHYS 211Mechanics (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 265Thermal Physics (PDF)Dr. Varuni Seneviratne
PHYS 274/362Quantum Mechanics II / Applications of QM (PDF)Valeri Kotov
PHYS 301Mathematical Physics (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
PHYS 341Solid State Physics (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
ASTR 005Exploring the Cosmos (PDF)John Perry
ASTR 153Moons and Planets (PDF)John Perry
Fall 2022
Physics Fall 2022 Schedule and Syllabi
CourseCourse Title and SyllabusInstructor
*ASTR 005Exploring the Cosmos (PDF)John Perry
*ASTR 023ASTR Lab 1: Measuring the Sky (PDF)John Perry/Jeffrey Ulbrandt
*ASTR 155The Big Bang (PDF)John Perry
PHYS 0111A0111A Elementary Physics (PDF)Jason Pepe
PHYS 011B011A Elementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 011CElementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
*PHYS 021Introductory Lab (PDF)Varuni Seneviratne
*PHYS 030Physics Problem Solving IJason Pepe
PHYS 031A/051BPhysics for Engineers (PDF)Jason Pepe
PHYS 051AFundamentals of Physics (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
*Physics 123Physics Problem Solving IIJason Pepe
Physics 125Physics for Engineers II (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
Physics 128Waves and Quanta (PDF)Luke Donforth
*Physics 199Experimental Physics I (PDF)Varuni Seneviratne
Physics 213Electricity & Magnetism (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
*Physics 214Electromagnetism (PDF)Valeri Kotov
Physics 242Intro to Solid State Physics (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
*Physics 273Quantum Mechanics I (PDF)Valeri Kotov
Physics 311Advanced Dynamics (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
*Physics 313Electromagnetic Theory (PDF)Valeri Kotov
HC01 085Physics of Light and Color (PDF)Randall Headrick
Spring 2022
CourseCourse Title and SyllabusInstructor
ASTR 005Exploring the Cosmos (PDF)John Perry
ASTR 023Astronomy Lab I: Measuring the Sky (PDF)John Perry
ASTR 177Spacecraft Astronomy (PDF) John Perry
PHYS 009Energy and the Environment (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 012A012A Elementary Physics (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 012B012B Elementary Physics (PDF) Jason Pepe
PHYS 013Conceptual Physics (PDF) Jason Pepe
PHYS 022Introductory Lab II (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 030Physics Problem Solving I (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 031Physics for Engineers I (PDF)Luke Donforth
PHYS 031B031B Physics for Engineers I (PDF)Matthew White
PHYS 031C031C Physics for Engineers I (PDF) Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 152Fundamentals of Physics I (PDF)Dennis Clougherty
PHYS 211Mechanics (PDF)Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 264Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics (PDF)Valeri Kotov
PHYS 265Thermal Physics (PDF)Randall Headrick
PHYS 296Microstructure & Surface Analysis (PDF)Matthew White
PHYS 333Biological Physics (PDF)Juan Vanegas
PHYS 362Quantum Mechanics II (PDF)Valeri Kotov