We humbly request your attendance at our Annual Meeting & Awards Ceremony. The event is open to members, students, and non-members. In addition to this year's Lifetime Achievement Award celebrating Marjorie Strong, Paul Carnahan, and Jeffrey Marshall, we will present our Student Research Awards: The Bryan, The Nuquist, and The Green Mountain Scholar Award. Join us to celebrate these exceptional scholars!

We will start with a reception at 5:00 pm, followed by dinner and awards at 6:30 pm. All events in the UVM Alumni House located at 61 Summit St, Burlington, VT. Dinner is complimentary, but you have to register to attend. Thanks for registering! We look forward to seeing you in May. Please RSVP here.

Archived Events

Vermont Futures

What are the forces that shape Vermont’s future economy? Alongside the Vermont Futures Project, our student communicators are diving into Vermont’s multifaceted economic landscape this summer. Our focus is to shed light on the wealth of economic data the Vermont Futures Project has to offer and dynamically translate this knowledge to a wider audience through digital media like weekly livestreams with local economic leaders, data-driven videos, social media, and blog posts. The team is exploring topics like workforce, business, industry, innovation, diversity and more. The Vermont Economy Talks is knowledge campaign created to inspire discussion and engagement in Vermont's economic future.

  • Learn more about the Vermont Futures Project and the VT Economy Talks Summer Series here.
  • Watch the weekly livestreams and past episodes here.
  • Join the Vermont Economy Talks campaign here.

ResearchLive | UVM Research - Meet The New Director

Wednesday, September 30, 2020, at 12:00 PM

Kirk Dombrowski, Vice President for Research at UVM

Kirk Dombrowski started in March as the new research VP at Vermont’s flagship university. Kirk’s office coordinates $200 million dollars of research funding across the UVM and the College of Medicine. Kirk started in the middle of a pandemic from an office in a hotel.  Kirk hails from New York but comes to Vermont by way of Nebraska.

Online Event Watch on our Facebook Page

ResearchLive | UVM Research -Vermont Towns and Their Police Budgets

Thursday, July 2, 2020, at 12:00 PM 

Katie Wynn and Jon Barthe, UVM summer policy research interns and Erin Petenko, data reporter at VT Digger

How much are Vermont towns spending on police? Who spends the most? Who spends the least? What does it mean in the current conversation about police budgets? Tune in this Thursday, July 2, 2020, at 12:00 PM to find out. 


ResearchLive | UVM Research - Current Issues in U.S. Corrections Systems

Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at 12:00 PM

Kathy Fox, UVM Professor 

In this talk, Kathy Fox, a criminal justice sociologist at the University of Vermont discusses the current issues in the US prison system. Dr. Fox looks at the history of how the U.S. got to mass incarceration, the racial history of incarceration, and some of the efforts to reduce the prison population and restore justice to the system. Dr. Fox will also discuss progressive initiatives to enable incarcerated people to re-integrate into civil life, such as Vermont’s Circles of Support and Accountability program.

Dr. Fox is a criminal justice sociologist. Her recent research has looked at Vermont’s innovative Circles of Support & Accountability (CoSA) program, which pairs formerly incarcerated individuals with volunteer supporters. Dr. Fox also leads the UVM Liberal Arts in Prison Program (LAPP) that offers credit-bearing courses in Vermont prisons.


ResearchLive | Vermont’s Historical Records Program - Civic Engagement and Suffragists

Wednesday, June 17, 2020, at 12:00 PM

Rachel Onuf, Vermont Historical Records Program Director

Rachel will provide some background on the Vermont Historical Records Program, based at the Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, and describe some crowdsourced projects related to the suffrage movement in Vermont, with the hope of inspiring you to participate!  Rachel is a member of the Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance and will provide an update on the group’s plans, which now extend into 2021.

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ResearchLive | Driving while black and brown in Vermont

Wednesday, June 3, at 12:00 PM

Driving While Black and Brown in Vermont

In this conversation Dr. Stephanie Seguino discusses research she has done on racial disparities in policing in Vermont with co-author Prof. Nancy Brooks of Cornell University. This work is based on an examination of over  a half million traffic stops in the state. Dr. Seguino is a professor of economics at the University of Vermont and Fellow at the Gund Institute for the Environment. Her work examines the effects of economic inequality, race, class, and gender, on the macroeconomy. She is president elect of the Association for Social Economics, and has been an advisor or consultant to numerous international organizations including the World Bank, United Nations Development Program, the Asian Development Bank, and US AID, and publishes regularly in a number of economic journals, including World Development, Journal of Development Studies, and Feminist Economics.

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ResearchLive | Landscapes of Care Amid Crisis VT's Response to Opioid Epidemic

Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 12:00 PM

Speaker: Lucia Possehl, UVM 2020 graduate 

In this talk, Lucia Possehl discusses Vermont's response to the Opioid Epidemic. Lucia is a Geography major that just graduated from UVM. Her research on the culture of caring behind Vermont’s opiate crisis won a number of top awards, including The Andrew E. Nuquist Award from the Center for outstanding research on a Vermont topic. Lucia also won UVM’s Student Award for Outstanding Leadership in Service-Learning and is a past winner of the Green Mountain Summer research award.

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ResearchLive | Vermont Folklife Stores of Stories in Vermont

Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 12 p.m.

Speaker: Mary Wesley, Vermont Folklife Center

Mary is the Education and Media specialist at the Vermont FolkLife Center and the organizer of the Center’s podcast Vermont Untapped. Mary studied Anthropology and Philosophy at McGill University, then returned to her native Vermont to work as a field archaeologist for the UVM Consulting Archaeology Program.

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Third Thursday Lecture Series: The Other Franco-Americans: Tracing French-Canadian Settlement in Vermont, 1830-1930

Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 12 p.m.

Watch online here

Speaker: Patrick Lacroix

Works of Franco-American history tend to focus on the industrial cities in Boston’s periphery. Whereas Winooski meets a pattern seen elsewhere in New England, Vermont actually attests to the immensely diverse experiences of French-Canadian migrants and their descendants. From the mid-Connecticut River valley to Island Pond, Rutland to St. Johnsbury, migrant Canadians entered a variety of occupations and formed communities overall quite different from the Little Canadas of Fall River, Lowell, and Manchester. This lecture will recognize this diversity, the impact of French-Canadian migrations on select Vermont towns, the ways in which French Vermonters adjusted to their home country, and Anglo-Vermonter reactions to their arrival. From 1830 to the Great Depression, we can trace important elements of continuity that help to explain the state of Vermont French culture (and collective memory) at the dawn of the twenty-first century.

Patrick Lacroix, a native of Quebec, earned his Ph.D. in American history at the University of New Hampshire in 2017. He has taught at UNH, Bishop's University, and Phillips Exeter Academy. Much of his work focuses on the economic and religious lives of Franco-Americans; his research has notably appeared in the Catholic Historical Review, the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, and Quebec Studies.

In collaboration with Vermont Historical Society

ResearchLive | COVID-19 and Vermont's Budgets

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 12 p.m.

A conversation with Paul Cillo, Director of the Public Assets Institute

Paul Cillo, founder of the Public Assets Institute, has been active in public policy work for over forty years, as a local and state political representative, consultant on health care, education finance, and other tax and budget issues; and on energy efficiency.

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ResearchLive | The History of Vermont Humor

Live on Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Speaker: Bill Mares and Don Hooper

In this talk Bill and Don talk about their new history of Vermont humor, titled,  "I Could Hardly Keep From Laughing."  A historical and thematic look at Vermont humor. The book includes Don's cartoons, which are both illustrative of some stories and stand-alone originals.

Bill Mares has been a reporter-photographer, state legislator and high school teacher and is the author of more than 15 books. Don Hooper is a Vermont educator, environmental activist, and political figure who served in the Vermont House of Representatives  as Secretary of State of Vermont and worked for many years with the National Wildlife Federation.

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ResearchLive | Vermont Stayers

Live on Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Speaker: Cheryl Morse, Geography Professor, UVM

In this talk, Cheryl Morse discusses her research about people leaving and staying in Vermont based on extensive surveys and how the pandemic might influence future population growth including the concept of re-ruralization.

Dr Morse is a social geographer who researches the production of place and everyday experience in rural contexts. She has conducted research in the following areas: working landscapes, rural migration and immobility, place and identity, Vermont’s social geography, and nature-culture theory.

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ResearchLive | Prohibition Stories of the Lake

Live on Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Speaker: Susan McClure, Director, Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

In this conversation, Susan talks about the early history of prohibition and the lake and how its influenced alchohol laws and Vermont’s beer craft industry today. Susan also talks about programs of the Maritime Museum and bringing their work to the public in this time of COVID-19.

Susan is Executive Director of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. She leads the talented team of educators, curators, and archaeologists as they explore the relationship between the land, the people, and the water of the Champlain Valley. Previously, Susan was Director of Programs and Audience Development at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, where she launched the Smithsonian’s first brewing history research and collecting initiative. website: https://www.lcmm.org/

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ResearchLive | Vermont History & Pandemics

Live on Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Featuring Steve Perkins, Director of the Vermont Historical Society