Hanna Hartman | 2024 | Dr. Pablo S. Bose | University of Vermont | “Becoming Burlington: An Analysis of Citizen Engagement in Waterfront Revitalization" |
Lucia Possehl | 2020 | Cherie Morse (Geography) | University of Vermont | "Landscapes of Care Amid Crisis: Vermont's Repsonse to the Opioid Epidemic" |
Annie McAneny | 2019 | Kelly Hamshaw (CDAE) | University of Vermont | "Beyond Eviction: Factors at Play in Landlord Power" |
Lauren Rayson | 2018 | | University of Vermont | "Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of the Childcare Cliff: A Case Study of Vermont" |
Jack Braunstein | 2017 | Ingrid Nelson (Geography) | University of Vermont | |
Shannon K. Esrich (Anthropology) | 2015 | Teresa Mares (Anthropology) | University of Vermont | "Gone to Market: Perceptions, Motivations, and Values of Farmers Market Participants in Burlington, Vermont" |
Neil Brandt | 2014 | Stephanie Kaza (Environmental Studies) | University of Vermont | "Changing Actors and Discourse: An Analysis of Ten Years of Media Coverage In Vermont's Wind Power Debate" |
Victoria Kulwicki | 2013 | Dr. Thomas R. Hudspeth (Environmental Studies), Dr. Ernesto Mendez (Agroecology) | University of Vermont | "Reaping a Profit: An Analysis of Marketing Techniques Used by Local, Organic Farmers in Vermont" |
Kristin Haas | 2012 | Peggy Nelson (Sociology) | Middlebury College | "Neighborly Relations: the Production of Positive and Negative Social Capital in a Low-Income Housing Community" |
Rachel Zakrasek | 2011 | Michael Sheriden (Sociology and Anthropology) | Middlebury College | "Vulnerability and Adaptation in Vermont: Agriculture, Society, Ecology, and Climate Change" |
Andrew Turgeon | 2010 | Cheryl Morse (Geography) | University of Vermont | "Young People’s Place in Community: Cross-Examining Teenagers’ Identities, Space and Social Differences in Southern Vermont" |
Elizabeth Kelley | 2009 | Jonathan Isham, Jr. (Economics and Environmental Studies) | Middlebury College | "The Implications of the Greening of Social Capital: Evidence from Bristol, Vermont" |
Benjamin "Jamie" Robins - Special Mention | 2009 | Amy Morsman (History) | Middlebury College | "Three Schools, Three Outcomes: The Students' Army Training Corps at Middlebury, Dartmouth, and the University of Vermont" |
Lisa Gerstenberger | 2008 | Michael Sheridan (Sociology/Anthropology) | Middlebury College | "Changing Attitudes Towards Farmland Conservation Easements in Addison County, Vermont" |
Kyle Brooks - Special Mention | 2008 | Gary Lord (History) | Norwich University | "Training Citizen-Soldiers: Norwich University's Contributions to the Vermont Militia System, 1819–1865" |
Alison Brady | 2007 | Travis Jacobs (History) | Middlebury College | "White Gold in the Green Mountains: The Evolution of Vermont's Dairy Industry" |
Asher Burns-Burg | 2006 | Jonathan Isham, Jr. (Economics and Environmental Studies) | Middlebury College | "Empowering Environmentalism: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Energy Consumption; Awareness, Attitudes and Actions in Vermont" |
Lauren Throop | 2005 | Richard Wolfson (Physics) | Middlebury College | "A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Wind Energy Potential at Middlebury College's Worth Mountain" |
James LaMonda | 2004 | Gary Lord (History), Jack Anderson (Adjunct Faculty) | Norwich University | "Closing the Backdoor to Washington: Vermont Civil War Soldiers in the Shenandoah Valley, 1864" |
Robin Lane | 2003 | Michael Sherman | Vermont College of Union Institute & University | "Understanding Act 60: An Objective Look at the Content, Context, and Implications of Vermont's Current Education Finance Legislation" |
Elaine Vidal | 2002 | Elizabeth (Ibit) Getchell (Environmental Program) | University of Vermont | "Urban Sanctuary: The Value of Natural Areas" |
Jessica Wasilewski | 2002 | Jonathan Isham (Economics), Jessica Holmes (Economics) | Middlebury College | "Low-Income Credit Rationing and Social Return on Investment: Welfare-to-Work Car Loans in the State of Vermont" |
No recipient | 2001 | | | |
No recipient | 2000 | | | |
Irina Marinov | 1999 | Thomas Manley (Geology), Robert Prigo (Physics) | Middlebury College | "Wind-generated Oscillations in Lake Champlain" |
Rachel Boisvert and Rachel Pierce | 1998 | Daniel Bean (Emeritus, Biology) | St. Michael's College | "Revisit to a Polluted Stream: LaPlatte River Water Quality, 1962 and 1996, as Determined by Benthos Communities" |
James D. Brown IV | 1997 | Carl Reidel (Environmental Program), Jeffrey Hannigan (Art) | University of Vermont | "Ecological Site Planning and Design for a Vermont Community Growth Center: A Case Study of Taft Corners, Williston, Vermont" |
Duncan Eccleston - co-recipient | 1996 | Tyler Priest (History) | Middlebury College | "Otter Creek: The Changing Vision of a Middlebury Resource" |
Joseph Morel - co-recipient | 1996 | Jere Daniell (History) | Dartmouth College | "Governing a Republic: Vermont State Government, 1777–1791" |
Scott Thompson | 1995 | Thomas Manley (Geology) | Middlebury College | "Documenting the Effects of the Internal Seiche in Lake Champlain on a Shallow Bay: Thompson's Point Bay, Lake Champlain, Vermont" |
Jeffrey L. Chapman | 1994 | Theodore Sasson (Sociology-Anthropology) | Middlebury College | "State Lotteries: Harmless Fun or Social Plague? A Study of People's Impressions of the Vermont Lottery" |
Margaret C. Kline | 1993 | James Ralph (History) | Middlebury College | "Modernity and Morality: Middlebury in the 1920s" |
Amy Hillier | 1992 | Nancy Beadie (History) | Middlebury College | "Who Should Attend to Everybody's Business?: Democracy in Middlebury's Schools" |
Steven Sgorbati | 1991 | Holman Jordan, Jr. (History) | Castleton State College | "Hyde Manor: The Early Years" |
Peter R. Wilshusen | 1990 | Carl Reidel (Environmental Program) | University of Vermont | "A Foundation for Cooperation—The Biosphere Reserve Concept as a Model for Environmental Cooperation in the Lake Champlain/Adirondack Region" |
Michael Grimm | 1989 | Jean R. Flack & Richard R. Paradis (Environmental Program) | University of Vermont | "The Geo-ecological Significance of Pease Mountain, Charlotte, Vermont" |
George Cabot Lee II | 1988 | Susan Gray (History) | Middlebury College | "The Billings, Mason, and Woodward Houses of Woodstock: Rural Taste and Pattern Book Democracy in Nineteenth Century Vermont" |
Karen Stites | 1987 | J. Kevin Graffagnino (Special Collections) | University of Vermont | "Isaac Clark of Castleton: A Controversial Figure in Early Vermont History" |
Penny E. Hamlet | 1986 | Kenneth Lipartito (History) | Middlebury College | "`Pre-Progressivism': Farm Activism in Vermont from 1870 to 1900" |
Kevin O'Connor | 1985 | Ernest Muller (History) | Bates College | "Bloodroots: The Impact of Transportation on the Town of Brattleboro, Vermont" |
Christine M. Peleszak | 1984 | Jean Flack (Environmental Program) | University of Vermont | "The Abandonment of Leicester Hollow" |
Becky J. Dorsey | 1983 | Rolfe Stanley (Geology) | University of Vermont | "Geological Synthesis of the Milton Quadrangle, North-western Vermont: A New Interpretation" |
Harold Burroughs | 1982 | Blanche Linden (History) | Middlebury College | "Vermont and the Sectionalist Movement in New England, 1800-1815: The State's Isolation from Regional Unity" |