Center Membership

Looking to become a Center member?

Join more than 400 others in our interdisciplinary network of scholars and community members who share ideas and research on Vermont. We assist scholars, government representatives, students, the media, and the public through networking information and sponsoring lectures, conferences, publications, and a bi-monthly research newsletter.

Center members are actively pursuing Vermont-related research. There is no charge for membership and applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Members receive preference for Center awards and funding, reduced price at Center conferences, and are added to the center's moderated listserve for sharing research updates and queries. 

Become a Member

Executive Committee and Center Bylaws

Center Bylaws


The terms are spelled out in the governance section of the Center's bylaws-type document.

  1. There is an executive committee consisting of 9 members and a director recommended by the center and appointed by the dean of CAS.
  2. One-third of the membership of the executive committee is appointed each year for three-year terms.
  3. Elections are held at the last meeting in the spring of each year.
  4. A nominating committee will submit the names of 3 or more nominees to the annual business meeting of the members.
  5. Members of the executive committee may serve no more than 2 consecutive 3-year terms.