
Majoring in political science may not prepare you for a specific profession the way that majoring in nursing or accounting would. What it does do is ground you in basic concepts of politics and governance, while providing the tools for critical thinking and writing that are necessary for a broad range of professional careers. The political science major is a traditional pathway to law school, and UVM’s Department of Political Science does an excellent job in preparing its students for the study of law. We have a range of courses on the American legal system, a large concentration of faculty in the area, and an active pre-law advising program.

But majoring in political science gives students many more options as well. Graduates of the UVM’s Department of Political Science have gone on to graduate studies in political science, international affairs, and other fields. Our majors have taken jobs in federal, state, and local governments, journalism, advocacy groups, non-governmental organizations, high school teaching, business, financial services, and many other fields. In fact, because of the broad interdisciplinary focus of the College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate program, political science majors are equipped with a broad range of transferable skills that prepare them for success in any profession. Check out the department LinkedIn page to learn more.

Jobs in Business


Business Analyst; Environmental/Regulatory Affairs Manager/Analyst; Health Care/Benefits Administrator; Information Systems Management; Investment Banking; Advertising Executive; Corporate Planning Specialist. 

Jobs in Government


The Federal government is so large and varied that it is impossible to do more than briefly mention types of opportunities available, i.e., public affairs officer; political action committee policy analyst; legislative issues management; issues analyst; national security advisor; Federal legislative assistant; Senator/Representative; or campaign manager. A political science graduate might find a job in nearly any agency or branch of the federal government and the majority of them are located outside of Washington, D.C., providing plenty of job openings throughout the United States and globally.

State and local governments function in almost every area that has an impact on the lives of citizens and have assumed ever increasing responsibility for equal employment compliance, consumer protection, highway safety, pollution and soil conservation, human services (education, welfare, manpower training) among many others. The need for professionally trained and educated individuals in these and other areas has grown tremendously to fill positions such as county treasurer, town/city/county counselor, town clerk, city planner, labor relations specialist, criminologist, and housing administrator, to name a few.

Jobs in Non-Governmental Organizations/Nonprofits


Beginning in the early 1960's there has been an explosion in the number and variety of voluntary associations taking an active role at every level of government. These groups hold thousands of potential jobs for political science graduates. The vast expansion of possible positions include: Federal/state government relationship manager; political affairs specialist; field officer; regulatory affairs manager; human rights campaign staffer; union political director; or political action consultant.

Jobs in Teaching


Educational researcher; school administrator; government/politics teacher; K-12 curriculum development/supervision. MA/Ph.D: college/university professor, research analyst; higher education administrator.

Jobs in Journalism


Writer/reporter/editor/producer; on-line political journalist; press officer; public affairs research analyst; association publications editor.


Attorney; District Attorney; Judge; Law Enforcement; Public Interest/Consumer Advocate; Corporate Legal Counsel; Government Attorney; Law Professor.