Associate Professor
Archaeology, osteology, ethnicity, body adornment, social complexity; Andean South America. (802) 656-2932Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Student Success • Associate Professor
Linguistic anthropology; material culture and museum anthropology; economic anthropology; Sign Languages; advertising and media; Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Transcarpathia. (802) 656-0903Associate Professor, Anthropology
Food security, migration, labor studies, border studies, food justice (802) 656-5706Associate Professor
Sociocultural anthropology; medical and psychological anthropology; cultural aspects of health, healing, and health care; global health; aging societies and social change; aging in family and community context, productive aging, caregiving; research design and methods; China, North America. (802) 656-3181Henderson Harris Fellow Anthropology
Anthropologies of Media, Race, and Gender; Colorblindness, Post-racialism, and Afrofuturism discourses; Black Feminism; Media Production and Distribution; Gender and Sexuality; Body and Embodiment; Cultural Studies
Marlaina.Martin@uvm.eduArt and Art History
Mark J. Zwynenburg Green and Gold Professor of Financial History • Professor of Economics
Macroeconomics, money & banking and U.S. economic history. (802) 656-0189Emerita Faculty • Professor of Economics
Macroeconomics and development.
Racial and gender inequality.
stephanie.seguino@uvm.eduEducation and Social Services
Associate Professor of Social Work
- Adult learning
- Diversity, access and equity
- Human rights
- Immigrant issues
- Leadership
- Organizational development
Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Science
- Adult development and aging
- Friendships
- Sexual and gender identities
Professor of Education • Program Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
- Philosophy of education
- Gender and sexuality studies in education
- Queer, transgender, and community-based pedagogies
Lecturer of Education • Program Coordinator, Secondary Education Master of Arts in Teaching
- Critical literacies
- Young adult literature
- Social justice education
- Queer theory and pedagogy
- Experiences of academic mothers
Julian Lindsay Green & Gold Professor • Carnegie Fellow
African-American and 20th-Century American literature, critical theory, race and ethnicity in literature, Women's studies (802) 656-3423Associate Professor • Director of Graduate Teaching Assistants
Rhetorical theory; composition pedagogy; Feminist rhetorics, historiographies, and pedagogies; Queer theory and studies; digital rhetorics; archival theory
U.S. ethnic studies, jazz studies, food studies, popular culture, cultural criticism (802) 656-3435Professor • Chair of the English Department
19th-Century American literature, African-American literature, critical theory, Women's studies (802) 656-3839Professor of English and Film Studies
Film and media theory, representations of gender and race, violence in film and on television, Women directors, documentary film/video, Feminist theory, psychoanalytic cultural theory and Marxism.
Hilary.Neroni@uvm.eduSenior Lecturer
American literature, race and ethnicity in U.S. literature and culture, Women in literature
19th and 20th-century American literature, LGBT literature, critical theory, Feminist theory, Queer theory, psychoanalytic theory, and narrative.
Valerie.Rohy@uvm.eduAssociate Professor
Renaissance, Shakespeare, 17th-century British, Bible as literature, critical theory, Women's studies (802) 656-8627Professor • Director of The Buckham Overseas Study Program
Post Colonialism, Caribbean anglophone, 20th-century British literature, Marxist theory
Helen.Scott@uvm.eduSenior Lecturer
Beowulf, Medieval literature, Tolkien studies, sex and gender identity studies (802) 656-1221Associate Professor
Asian American literature & culture, African American literature & culture comparative race studies, detective fiction, 20th-Century American literature, cultural studies
Multiethnic Literatures of the United States, Women’s & Gender Studies, Indigenous Studies, Queer Theory, Archival Theory, Community Engagement & Advocacy
Emily.Lederman@uvm.eduEnvironmental Studies
Associate Professor • The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
Environmental Studies, Natural Resources, Environmental health, Community based research, Environmental policy, Natural resources, Arctic environment and health, Environmental health social movements, Environmental justice (802) 656-5877French and Italian
Urban social/cultural geography, focusing on critical historical geographies of childhood. Using and writing about qualitative research, ethnography, participatory mapping, archival research, and other methods to learn about the geographic meanings and processes that matter to socially and economically marginalized groups.
Meghan.Cope@uvm.eduDistinguished Professor • Department of Geography & Geosciences
Climate variability and change, Climate education and literacy, Climate hazards; drought, New England and Vermont (802) 656-2146Associate Professor
Feminist political ecology, geography, cultural anthropology and STSS;
Critical development, NGO, sustainability and animal studies;
Digital geographies and natures
German and Russian
Nursing and Health Sciences
Ethics, Chinese Philosophy, Philosophical Psychology, Feminism and the discussion of the interplay between feminism and Confucianism. (802) 656-3135Political Science
John G. McCullough Professor of Political Science • Professor (2000)
Comparative Politics, Latin American Politics; research interests include democratization, political economy and women in politics. (802) 656-8384Psychological Science
Associate Professor • Director of Global and Regional Studies
Religions in Africa & the African Diaspora, Religion & Art, Religion, Music, & Sound, Religion and Health, Bodies, and Gender (802) 656-9301Sociology
Professor • Department of Sociology
Inequality and differential vulnerability in floods, hurricanes, and other disaster events, Disaster studies, Children and youth, Family, Qualitative methodology, Service learning (802) 656-2127Professor
classical sociological theory, feminist social and political theory, deviance, gender, qualitative research methods
Eleanor.Miller@uvm.eduAssociate Professor and Chair
Quantitative research methods, sociology of reproduction, family demography, sociology of Latin American societies. (802) 656-5453Spanish
Theatre and Dance
Assistant Professor • Resident Director
Acting; directing; applied theatre; performance studies
Professor • Associate Dean for Student Success
Modern Britain and the British Empire, Gender and Sexuality.
Paul.Deslandes@uvm.eduProfessor • Coordinator of Transfer Affairs, Study Abroad
U.S. social, U.S. women, gender politics. (802) 656-4422