Consulting Archaeology Program (CAP)

The University of Vermont's Consulting Archaeology Program (UVM CAP) engages in activities that help preserve, protect and explain Vermont's cultural heritage.

A unit of the Department of Anthropology, CAP provides archaeological and historic preservation services to businesses and individuals, non-profit groups, local governments, and State and Federal agencies. Through studies required by State and Federal regulations, the UVM CAP helps sponsors obtain necessary permits and contributes to the understanding of the human past in northeastern North America. As part of its educational mission, the UVM CAP offers experiential learning opportunities for students and engages in a wide range of public education activities.

Making An Impact

UVM CAP archaeologists have completed over 400 projects requiring review for potential impacts to archaeological or historic cultural resources. This work occurs under a variety of State and Federal laws and regulations. UVM CAP’s expertise and experience includes the full range of archaeological and historic resources in northeastern North America from the earliest settlement by Native Americans during the Paleoindian period 12,500 years ago to 18th-20th-century sites and structures representing modern-era residential and industrial development.

Work With Our Experts

John Gordon Crock

Associate Professor • Director of Consulting Archaeology Program

Kathleen Kenny

Program Historian • Research Supervisor

Kevin C. Lambert

Laboratory Manager • Research Supervisor

Catherine Quinn

Historic Preservationist • Office Manager

What We Offer



Through its consulting projects, UVM CAP investigates important research topics related to Native American and Euroamerican cultural history. Major research themes include human interaction with the natural environment, settlement patterns, domestic architecture, technology, and regional trade and exchange. Whenever possible, we synthesize and publish the results presented in technical reports in professional journals or popular outlets. The UVM CAP supports undergraduate research through training and by providing data in support of honors theses and independent studies.



The UVM CAP regularly upgrades its equipment to utilize the technology and software best suited to accomplish project and research goals.  In the field, in addition to the tried-and-true shovels, trowels, tapes and compasses, we work with high-grade handheld Trimble GPS units, and Topcon total station survey instruments. In the lab, we work extensively with ArcGIS to geo-locate our survey areas, testing and sites and to analyze artifact distributions and settlement patterns. We also employ Agisoft Photoscan to generate 3D site and artifact models, and collaborate with UVM’s Spatial Analysis Lab on projects requiring aerial survey and detailed digital surface models.

Education and Training


As part of the Department of Anthropology at UVM, one of our primary missions is education. The UVM CAP provides independent, work-study and internship opportunities to current undergraduates. Our field crews and laboratory personnel include a high percentage of students with anthropology backgrounds, many of whom work with UVM CAP prior to pursuing graduate-level studies in heritage management fields. UVM CAP regularly makes presentations to keep the public informed about current research in Vermont archaeology and welcomes the help of volunteers.

Information and Reference


The UVM CAP provides information on Vermont archaeology to students, parents, teachers, historical societies and others.