The Ecozoic represents a vision for the future founded on mutually enhancing relationships between human societies and the global community of life through the lens of social justice. Leadership for the Ecozoic (L4E) is a global partnership initially based at McGill University and the University of Vermont to work toward that vision by: (1) advancing transdisciplinary scholarship in select doctoral programs to educate and empower new leaders for the Ecozoic; (2) co-creating a global research-to-action network to heal and restore Earth’s life support systems and to define and foster a different mode of inhabiting the Earth, respectful of life’s myriad ways of knowing and being; and (3) mobilizing and focusing higher education resources and communication on mitigating multi-faceted, human-induced, planetary declines in life support capacity. L4E supports joint courses, lectures, research projects, and service on doctoral committees as we work towards establishing a "global campus" that brings together an expanded community to envision, educate, and implement new, just, and existing pathways towards the Ecozoic. L4E is establishing Network Strategy Centers (NSCs) in partnership with universities, NGOs and existing global networks. The first two NSCs are “Anthropology for the Ecozoic” at McGill University and “Ecological Economics” at the University of Vermont. We focus on implementing, communicating and advocating for paradigm shift outcomes through internships, action-research projects, long-term partnerships and strategic communications.
For more information: Leadership for the Ecozoic
For new applicants: Fall 2025 applications are being accepted until December 1
Meet Our Faculty Leads

Radio Ecozoic - Podcasts
Radio Ecozoic is a project of the Leadership for the Ecozoic Initiative, which is based at McGill University and the University of Vermont, as well as the Critical Media Lab, which is housed in McGill University's anthropology Department.
Radio EcozoicL4E Graduate Student Fellows
Gund Graduate Fellow, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Community Development and Applied Economics
Gund Graduate Fellow, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Community Development and Applied Economics
Gund Graduate Fellow, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
Gund Graduate Fellow, Department of Community Development and Applied Economics
IfA Affiliate • Gund Graduate Fellow
Ph.D. Student • L4E Fellow
Ph.D. Student • Gund Graduate Fellow
Ph.D. Candidate, Community Development and Applied Economics
Ph.D. Student • L4E Fellow
Ph.D. Student • Gund Graduate Fellow • L4E Fellow
Gund Graduate Fellow • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, • Department of Community Development and Applied Economics
Gund Graduate Fellow - Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
Gund Graduate Fellow, Community Development and Applied Economics