A Wave of Summer Humanities Research

young woman in green turtleneck with shoulder-length brown hair smiling and standing in front of blurred forest background

When planning fun things to do on summer break, surfing may come to mind, but research? It doesn’t usually make the cut, but this past summer some ambitious students studying the humanities in UVM’s College of Arts and Sciences learned a way to do both, so to speak.

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portrait of Linda Schadler standing outside Discovery Hall

Appointment of Acting Provost During Leadership Transition

We are pleased to announce that the Board of Trustees approved today the appointment of Linda Schadler to serve as acting provost for the university. Her appointment begins October 1, coinciding with President Garimella’s departure for a new role and the start of Provost Prelock’s appointment as Interim President.

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Suresh Garimella

A Heartfelt Farewell

Dear UVM community,

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