UVM Strategic Communications promotes faculty members’ newsworthy research, expertise, projects, and positive impacts.
Submit a news tip
While we can’t cover every story, we love getting news tips and advance notice of:
- UVM discoveries or innovations
- Forthcoming research papers (accepted but unpublished)
- Forthcoming books or creative works of general interest
- Impactful external partnerships
- Major student achievements
- New funding awards greater than $1M
Share Your Expertise Effectively
UVM’s media relations team is available to provide media training for faculty members who want to share their expertise or story with news journalists.
Contact the UVM’s media relations team at news@uvm.edu to:
Request media training for yourself, your lab or department
Sign up to participate in UVM’s forthcoming Experts Database
Re-route a media request that is outside your expertise
Communications Support
Visit UVM Strategic Communications to find communications staff members for your academic or administrative unit.