Students who start small businesses and break new ground; professors who inspire in the classroom and in their fields of research; alums who change the world at work. At UVM, inspiring stories are everywhere. Take a closer look...
Using artificial intelligence to understand and promote human connection among those touched by serious illness.
Economist exploring the harsh economic realities that have led to sky-high inflation, growing inequality, polarized politics, and climate crisis.
Professor of Film and Television Studies and go-to expert commentator for documentaries about the Walt Disney company.
Cognitive neuroscientist and autism researcher calling out the Visual Ease Assumption that pictures are easier for autistic people to understand than written language. Her work may shift the basis of educational resources and interventions.
Avid outdoorsman and disability-rights advocate who leads backpacking and climbing expeditions for amputees, raising awareness for the need for improved prosthetic care worldwide.
Native fish biologist with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish with a focus on conserving threatened and endangered species.
Executive director of the Shelburne Craft School, ensuring the school lives its creative mission and visions.
User Experience designer at YouTube, developing a deep understanding of how humans use technology.
Environmental Sciences graduate leading sustainable design and operations in the real estate division of Barclays International, the British multinational bank and investment firm.
Driving company strategy at Spotify through mergers and acquisitions.