Dear Graduate Students:

Earlier this week, in a 2-1 decision, the Vermont Labor Relations Board ruled that Graduate Assistants, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship awardees and students appointed under training grants are “employees” under the State Employee Relations Act. As a result, graduate students currently classified in one of these academic appointments may participate in an election to determine whether they wish to be represented by the United Auto Workers. The details of the election should be finalized next week, and we will share them with you as soon as possible.

The election, which we expect will occur in the next several weeks, is extremely important. We hope you will all engage with this process and take some time to learn what it means for you. You should also feel free to speak with each other, with your faculty advisors, and with college leadership. If you have questions for us, please reach out and ask them. We are committed to providing clear information about the critical issues at stake to help you make your voting decision.

Above all, we encourage you to vote in the election, which is the only way to ensure your view on union representation is counted. The union will be certified as your collective bargaining representative if it receives a majority of the votes cast.

To be clear, UVM does not believe voting “yes” to union representation is in the best interest of students. We firmly believe flexibility and individualized attention to each student are crucial to meeting their unique needs in the best way possible for them to attain their degree objective. We believe students and their faculty advisors know best what is needed for success. It is hard to predict the extent of the impact of introducing the United Auto Workers into the inherently individualized academic relationship.

We believe graduate education at UVM is setting a course for excellence at a pace quicker than ever before. Our commitment to inclusive, student-centric graduate education focuses on supporting the whole student experience in a welcoming environment where all of you thrive and achieve your goals. In one semester, the Graduate College, with the help of the Graduate Student Senate, your colleges and schools, and Graduate Faculty, has augmented important aspects of the student experience, including:

Moreover, beginning in Fall 2024, our colleges will cover the Comprehensive Fee for all students holding graduate student academic appointments. This support is in addition to the stipends at the agreed institutional minimum levels or above, and the appointment’s tuition scholarship: this amounts to an effective 6.9% increase in the value of the current minimum Ph.D. stipend ($32,000/12 months).

We are focused on additional advances for all graduate students in the coming months, including increased support for mental health and wellness and professional development; and support to meet the distinctive needs of students historically underrepresented in their disciplines and of our international students.

Regardless of the outcome of the election, UVM’s commitment to inclusive excellence and your academic success will not waver.

Please visit this webpage often for updated FAQs and the latest information regarding the election. We will be holding online forums aimed at answering your questions soon, so watch for more details about how to attend those as well.

Advancing inclusive excellence in graduate education and providing broad and deep research opportunities for graduate students are strategic imperatives articulated by UVM in Amplifying Our Impact and our Academic Success Goals. We are deeply appreciative of the unique and valuable roles graduate students play in our campus community and are committed to further enhancing your experience.

Sincerely, Patricia A. Prelock, Provost and Senior Vice President
Holger Hoock, Dean of the Graduate College (