Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, or the Clery Act for short, requires colleges and universities to maintain certain practices with regard to campus safety and to publicly disclose certain crime statistics and policies in an annual report.

What is the Clery Act?

The law took effect in 1991 and has been amended several times since then. The Act additionally requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal student aid programs to maintain a publicly accessible crime and fire log and provide emergency and timely notifications to the campus community when emergency situations or serious crimes pose an immediate or ongoing threat to the campus community.

If you are a UVM Reporter (Campus Security Authorities) and are here to file a report:

File A Clery Act Report

Main Components of the Clery Act

Annual Security Report

The Annual Security Report (PDF) is the University's main Clery Act report. It is published annually by October 1 and contains three years of crime statistics, a number of policy disclosures, and a great deal of information about public safety at UVM. The crime statistics in the Annual Security Report reflect crimes that occured on or around the University campus.

Annual Fire Safety Report

The Annual Fire Safety Report (PDF) is published at the same time as the Annual Security Report. It contains information about fire safety and prevention measures in residence halls at the University, as well as three years of statistics about fires that occured in residence halls.

Daily Crime and Fire Log

The Crime and Fire Log is updated daily, and contains basic information about all of the alleged crimes and fire related incidents reported to UVM. UVM's Crime and Fire Log also includes information about a number of other Police Services activities and actions. In the log, incidents are listed in the order that they are reported. The type of each incident, date and time of each incident was reported and occurred, and the status/disposition of each incident is listed in the log. 

Clery Reports

Reports for Calendar Year 2023

Reports for Calendar Year 2022

Reports for Calendar Year 2021

File A Clery Act Report

About UVM Reporters

The Clery Act mandates that certain employees report suspected criminal activity that they become aware of to UVM Police Services for statistical inclusion in the University's Annual Security Report. Individuals with this obligation are called Campus Security Authorities or CSAs. Because there is significant overlap between who is designated as a CSA and who is considered a Responsible Employee with similar reporting obligations under federal non-discrimination laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the University collectively refers to this population as UVM Reporters.

Notification and Training

UVM Reporters are identified annually, notified of their responsibilities via email, and provided with basic training materials on what they must report and how to make a report. 

Additionally, all UVM Reporters are asked to complete a brief video training available at UVM Police.

An expanded training on the obligations on UVM Reporters is available several times each semester through UVM Talent Development (course code: POL015). A copy of the presentation, called "Required Reporting at UVM: Clery Act, Title IX and Beyond"(PDF) is available.

More information about UVM Reporters is available in UVM's Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) and Responsible Employees under Federal Law Operating Procedure (PDF).