Reporting Sexual Misconduct at UVM

Always call 911 in an emergency.  If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911 for help immediately.

Contact Information

UVM Police Services

(802) 656-3473

Equal Opportunity Office and Title IX Coordinator

(802) 656-3368

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

Email to report sexual misconduct involving UVM Affiliates to the University Title IX Coordinator

Use the Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment reporting form to report bias, discrimination, or harassment (including sexual harassment and misconduct) to the Equal Opportunity Office and/or Title IX Coordinator.

Interim Measures and Support

Email to request support services or interim measures (such as housing or schedule adjustments).  More information about support services are available on the UVM Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Resource page.

Advocacy Services

HOPE Works (confidential):

Counseling and Support Services

UVM Counseling and Psychiatry Services (confidential):
(802) 656-3340

UVM Employee Assistance Program (confidential)

(802) 656-3270

Complainants may choose to pursue the following options

Criminal Investigation

If you have been the victim of sexual assault, domestic/relationship violence, stalking, or another form of sexual misconduct like voyeurism, the University encourages you to consider making a report to police to assure your safety and / or to explore your options, including pursuing a criminal investigation. Reporting to police does not guarantee criminal prosecution, since the state’s attorneys (prosecutors) will ultimately have to decide whether there is enough evidence to move forward with your case. However, if you file a police report and want to pursue a criminal case, the police will conduct an investigation. It is important to consider that perpetrators can be repeat offenders, so reporting the behavior to police increases the chances that a perpetrator will be recognized as such, increasing the safety of our campus as a whole.

A Non-Criminal Internal UVM Resolution Process

UVM also encourages you to make a report of the incident to the University Title IX Coordinator. UVM strives to create a safe campus environment, and any violation of the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy has a negative impact on the campus community. However, it is difficult for the University to address problems like sexual misconduct unless victims are willing to come forward. Reports to the Title IX Coordinator can be made by emailing or by filing a Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment Reporting Form.

When you make a report of sexual misconduct, discrimination, or harassment, the first step is an intake, which includes providing you with information about support resources and reporting options, and more information about the Title IX Investigation and Resolution options and processes. These are described in detail from Office of Equal Opportunity.


If you would like, you can pursue both a criminal and an internal investigation. UVM’s Office of Equal Opportunity will try to coordinate its internal investigation with the related police investigation as much as possible. To avoid interfering with the criminal investigation, the Office of Equal Opportunity investigator may ask you to sign a waiver, which will delay the internal investigation until the criminal investigation is complete. If you decide not to sign it, the Office of Equal Opportunity investigation may have to occur at the same time as the criminal investigation. Under some circumstances, this could interfere with the criminal investigation.


If you disclose an incident of sexual misconduct to a UVM Reporter, they must notify the Title IX Coordinator, whose office will reach out to you to offer support and resources. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for making sure that the University complies with its obligations to address incidents of sexual misconduct appropriately, and that the University does everything that it can 1) to minimize the impact of any alleged sexual misconduct on the educational and/or work environment, and 2) to prevent it from happening again.

It is important to understand that you are not obligated to pursue an investigation or resolution process to work with the Title IX Coordinator or receive support and/or interim measures (such as schedule or housing adjustments). In most cases, if you decide that you do not want to pursue a formal investigation, nothing further will happen.

However, there are some circumstances where the University will move forward with an investigation and conduct process even without your cooperation. Some examples include 1) cases where the University is aware that the perpetrator has been involved in other incidents of sexual misconduct, and 2) cases where the perpetrator’s conduct was particularly severe, and therefore poses a continued threat to the University community.

Many employees are also required by federal law to file a Campus Security Authority Incident Report with UVM Police Services, without revealing your identity, so that the University can maintain and compile accurate crime statistics for the campus. While you are encouraged to file a criminal complaint if you have been the victim of sexual misconduct, this report is solely to comply with federal laws, and your name will not be shared with Police Services if you wish to remain anonymous.

Additional Information:



It is important to know that Title IX prohibits retaliation against complainants and witnesses who participate in investigations of sexual misconduct. UVM will take steps to prevent retaliation and will take strong responsive action if retaliation occurs. While it is your right not to participate in an internal or criminal investigation, refusal to participate in any investigation may limit the University’s ability to respond to allegations of sexual misconduct.

Interim Measures


In appropriate circumstances, the University may provide interim measures (such as changes in room or class assignments, no contact orders, and extensions for completing exams or other course work) to both complainants and respondents in sexual misconduct cases. The Title IX Coordinator can assist with arranging interim measures and support. Call (802) 656-3368 or email to request interim measures and support services.

Confidential Support


For confidential support and advocacy, you can reach an Advocate by contacting HOPE Works online or by calling (802) 863-1236 or 1-800-489-7273. The University also has its own Counseling Center where you can speak with a confidential mental health counselor. The counselors there are an excellent resource, and are available to meet with you confidentially as needed.