The role of a professional organization is serving its clients; our role is serving the members of the university community. The manner in which Police Services conducts business, operationally as well as administratively, must be consistent with professionally accepted practices and ideals. The members of the university community are entitled to a professional department. It is for this reason that we have voluntarily sought accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA)
Accreditation is a method to ensure that UVM Police Services is in compliance with nationwide standards covering all aspects of law enforcement policies, procedures, practices, and operations. Accreditation makes a statement to other law enforcement agencies, professions, and the university community that UVM Police Services meets the highest standards of professionalism.
The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies was organized through the combined efforts of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Sheriff's Association, and the Police Executive Research Forum. These organizations continue to serve in an advisory capacity to the Commission and are responsible for appointing members of the Commission's Board. The Commission was formed to develop a set of law enforcement standards and to establish and administer an accreditation process through which law enforcement agencies could demonstrate voluntarily that they meet professionally recognized criteria for excellence in management and service delivery.
The period of accredited status for UVM Police Services is four years. During this time, our agency must submit annual reports that document continuing compliance with applicable standards. Our agency has applied for reaccreditation, which will be determined by continuing the self-assessment process and successfully submitting the agency for another onsite inspection every four years. The achievement of accreditation for the department has resulted in improvements in structure, leadership, organization, general direction, and accountability. The process of intensive self-assessment has united the department in its commitment to serve the university community through well-written policies and procedures, objective management, and conscious recognition of the need for law enforcement professionalism.
CALEA was formed in 1979 to establish a body of standards designed to:
- Increase law enforcement agency capabilities to prevent and control crime
- Increase agency effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of law enforcement services
- Increase cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement agencies and with other agencies of the criminal justice system
- Increase citizen and employee confidence in the goals, objectives, policies and practices of the agency
There are currently 444 Standards that cover:
- Role, Responsibilities, and Relationships with Other Agencies
- Organization, Management, and Administration
- Personnel Administration
- Law Enforcement Operations
- Operations Support
- Traffic Operations
- Prisoner and Court Related Activities
- Auxiliary and Technical Services
Accreditation is an intensive effort involving the entire agency. Every four years, each agency is up for re-accreditation, which involves a status report, a web-based and site-based assessment, as well as an extensive review at the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies conference. UVM Police Services was re-accredited in November 2023 at the conference held in Bellevue, Washington. It was the 7th re-accreditation UVM Police Services received since their initial accreditation in 2003!
As part of our re-accreditation process, we welcome the comments of our community on the work that we do. To provide comments specifically about the University of Vermont Police Services to the CALEA® team please visit CALEA's Accreditation Public Comment Portal.
**Please note: these comments are NOT received by the University of Vermont Police Services, do not use this link to report crimes.**