Campus Climate Survey

The Campus Climate Survey helps UVM understand the perceptions and experiences of our students and employees. It gives us the data needed to make and measure progress.

The data collected through the Campus Climate Survey every three years is a critical metric for tracking our progress over time. Every community member completing this survey demonstrates our shared responsibility to these efforts.  

The 2025 Campus Climate Survey is now open!

Participating in the Campus Climate Survey

We value your willingness to contribute to the 2025 Campus Climate Survey in an open and honest way. In turn, we promise to honor your participation by protecting your data and committing to use your feedback to make meaningful change at all levels across the University of Vermont.

Each response will be anonymous and kept strictly confidential. The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) will be responsible for all data collected and will share analysis and reports only at the aggregate level.

What is a Campus Climate Survey? 

The Campus Climate Survey is a powerful tool to better understand the perceptions and experiences of students, faculty and staff, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and measure progress on key initiatives around inclusive excellence. UVM will implement this survey every three years. 

How will you use my data?

Responses collected in the 2025 Campus Climate Survey will have a profound impact on strategic planning. Your honest feedback will be used in setting and monitoring the Provost’s Academic Success Goals, the Comprehensive Inclusive Excellence Action Plan, and individual goals within your program, department, or unit. From these strategic plans, leaders across campus will make a large volume of decisions concerning policy (re)formation, resource allocation, and other major decisions that will impact campus for years to come.

How will you protect my data?

Each response will be anonymous and kept strictly confidential. The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) will manage all data collected and will share analysis and reports responsibly.

The survey asks several questions that allow for analysis of campus climate responses and experiences at UVM. To protect individual identities from being discovered, OIRA will: 

  • Share only aggregated data preserving the confidentiality of individual responses. 
  • Ensure that data are not shared when the number of respondents in a response group is too small (ex. very few employees in one office/unit), either via dashboard, report, or directly to administrators. 
  • Store individual responses on a secure server only accessible by OIRA.