Space Management and Space Requests

The President, Provost and VP for Finance and Administration have ultimate responsibility for the allocation of space to academic and administrative units. Planning, Design & Construction (PDC) is responsible for the central management of space for the institution, incorporating the guidance of the Provost, VPFA, the Campus Plan, the IBB Manual, and the Space Management University Operating Procedure. PDC is also responsible for managing and maintaining the University’s Space Inventory which is the database of record for all space owned or occupied by the University (including space leased for University use).

The Provost, Vice Presidents and Deans retain the authority and flexibility to allocate their assigned space to the departments and programs within their scope of responsibility using the Space Allocation Guidelines (contact  to maximize use and facilitate changes in program needs. 

Reallocation of space from one college or major administrative unit to another to college or major administrative unit, or requests release space, requires submitting a Space Request Form (pdf) to the Campus Space Manager who will facilitate review and final approval by the Provost and VPFA. 

Current Process to Request Space

The responsible Dean, Director or Vice President must complete a Space Request Form (PDF)

Email the completed and signed Form to:

Staff Contact

Joanna Birbeck, Campus Space Manager
Phone: 802-656-1449