Systems Access and Support

The Division of Finance provides end-user access, training, and functional support for the University's financial and payroll systems.


About PeopleSoft


PeopleSoft FSCM (also known as "PeopleSoft Financials") is the University's accounting system of record for all financial transactions, reporting, and audits. PeopleSoft HCM (also known as "PeopleSoft HR") is the University's system of record for employee records and payroll information. Logging into PeopleSoft requires Duo multifactor authentication for security reasons. 

UVM is running FSCM v9.2 PUM 30, PeopleTools v8.56. Installed modules include: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Asset Management, Billing, Commitment Control, Employee Expenses, eProcurement, General Ledger, Grants/Contracts, Project Costing, Purchasing, and Treasury (Banking and Cash Management).

UVM is running HCM v9.2, PUM 29, PeopleTools v8.56. Installed modules include: human resources and payroll processing; benefits; and time and labor.

Request Access


Supervisors or Dean's Office staff should submit a PeopleSoft Access Request for their employees. Supervisor/Dean's Office approval is required. The request form is linked to an issue-tracking software known as "Footprints," which will log your request, issue a tracking ticket, route it to the appropriate team for resolution, and automatically generate emails to you and other assignees as the issue is updated and ultimately resolved/closed.

Examples of access requests include:

  • New access for new employees
  • Removal of access for retired or terminated employees
  • Additional or changed access for employees moving to new/different roles within UVM
  • Temporary access per delegations of authority

Submit a PeopleSoft Access Request

Report an issue/Request a PeopleSoft setup change


Support requests for PeopleSoft system issues and setup changes are submitted to the PeopleSoft HelpDesk, which uses the ticket-tracking software known as "Footprints." The Footprints system will log your request, issue a tracking ticket, route it to the appropriate team for resolution, and automatically generate emails to you and other assignees as the issue is updated and ultimately resolved/closed. Please include a detailed description of the issue or request when you create a ticket.

Examples of systems issues include:

  • Transaction errors
  • Processes that don't run to completion or "get stuck"

Examples of setup changes include:

  • New chartfield value requests
  • Department name changes or reorgs
  • Budget change requests

Submit a PeopleSoft Issue/Setup Change Ticket

Axiom EPM

About Axiom EPM


Axiom EPM supports the University's annual budgeting and salary planning, multi-year salary and budget planning, and budget-to-actual reporting.

Request Axiom Access


Requests for access to the Axiom system are submitted via the Axiom HelpDesk, which uses the ticket-tracking software known as "Footprints." The Footprints system will log your request, issue a tracking ticket, route it to the Budget Office for resolution, and automatically generate emails to you and other assignees as the issue is updated and ultimately resolved/closed.

  • Indicate whether Reporting, Single-Year Budgeting/Salary Planning, and/or Multi-Year Budgeting/Salary Planning access is required.
  • Indicate supervisor approval by copying your supervisor on the request or having your supervisor submit the request on your behalf.

Submit an Axiom Helpdesk Ticket

Report an Axiom Issue


Requests for access to the Axiom system are submitted via the Axiom HelpDesk, which uses the ticket-tracking software known as "Footprints." The Footprints system will log your request, issue a tracking ticket, route it to the Budget Office for resolution, and automatically generate emails to you and other assignees as the issue is updated and ultimately resolved/closed.

Submit an Axiom Helpdesk Ticket

Effort Reporting System (ERS)

About ERS


ERS is a web-based tool that allows faculty to manage and plan efforts on sponsored agreements as well as certify their payroll charges to sponsored agreements.

Report an ERS issue: Contact Dawn Caffrey (, 6-1336