Central Non-Credit Registration Office
In 2019, a mandate was issued by the President and Provost to create a centralized non-credit registration office. All non-credit activity (any course or activity that does not offer credit hours for participation, regardless of price) is now expected to flow through this office, utilizing registration systems approved by the university.
The benefits of this office include greater financial controls, the creation of governance, streamlined processes and procedures, reporting tools, tracking metrics, and data for enrollment management. The Non-Credit Registration Office works closely with university partners to create registration portals for all types of activities. These include, but are not limited to, conferences, courses, lectures, film screenings, and many other non-credit offerings. Working with the Non-Credit Registration Office can save your unit time and effort, allowing for more energy to be focused on creating and managing your activity’s content.
If you would like to connect with the Non-Credit Registration Office to discuss your needs and how this office can support your non-credit activities, please email noncredit@uvm.edu, call (802) 656-8407, or fill out the Work with Us form.
Central Ticketing Office
Effective July 2024, this office will be launching a newly created centralized ticketing box office. This box office will support all ticketing needs at UVM (excluding Athletics and Commencement). Initially, the UVM partners will include Lane Series, Royall Tyler Theatre, and Student Life.
If you would like to connect with the central ticketing office to discuss your needs and how this office can support your ticketing activities, please email tickets@uvm.edu, call (802) 656-8407, or fill out the Work with Us form.