Extension Professor: Natural Resources Specialist and Director of the Vermont Tourism Research Center

Lisa Chase is the natural resources specialist at University of Vermont Extension, where she focuses on the intersection between environmental management, food systems and community development. As the director of the Vermont Tourism Research Center, Lisa emphasizes tourism and recreation in her programming. Current programs include agricultural and culinary tourism, recreation on public and private woodlands, and sustainable food systems.


  • Hollas, C., Schmidt, C., Tian, Z., Goetz, S. J., Chase, L. (2024). Insights and oversights: Behind the data on agritourism and direct sales in the United States. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 13(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2024.134.005
  • Quella, L., Chase, L., Conner, D., Reynolds, T.W., & Schmidt C. (2023). Perceived success in agritourism: Results from a study of US agritourism operators. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 18(1), 140–158. https://journals.brandonu.ca/jrcd/article/view/2115/601
  • Schmidt, C., Z. Tian, S. J. Goetz, C. Hollas, and L. Chase. (2023). Agritourism and direct sales clusters in the United States. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Volume 52, Issue 1, pp. 168 – 188. https://doi.org/10.1017/age.2023.1
  • Whitehouse, C., Conner, D., Chase, L., & Reynolds, T. (2023). The experience of Vermont local food businesses during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 12(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2023.122.003
  • Schmidt, C., Chase, L., Barbieri, C., Rilla, E., Singh Knights, D., Thilmany, D., Tomas, S., Dickes, L., Cornelisse, S., Lamie, R.D., Callahan, R., George, H., & Leff, P. (2022.) Linking Research and Practice: The Role of Extension on Agritourism Development in the United States. Applied Economics Teaching Resources published by the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Volume 4, July 2022. https://www.aaea.org/UserFiles/file/AETR_2022_005RRProofFinal1.pdf
  • Wang, W., Hollas, C., Chase, L., Conner, D., & Kolodinsky, J. (2022). Challenges for the agritourism sector in the United States: Regional comparisons of access. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(4), 61–76. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2022.114.003
  • Grillini, G., Sacchi, G., Chase, L., Taylor, J., Van Zyl, C.C., Van Der Merwe, P., Streifeneder, T., and Fischer, C. (2022). Qualitative assessment of agritourism development support schemes in Italy, the USA and South Africa. Sustainability 14(13), 7903. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137903
  • Hollas, C.R., Chase, L., Conner, D., Dickes, L., Lamie, R.D., Schmidt, C., Singh-Knights, D., & Quella, L. (2021). Factors related to profitability of agritourism in the United States: Results from a national survey of operators. Sustainability, 13, 13334. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132313334
  • Quella, L., Chase, L., Conner, D., Reynolds, T., Wang, W., & Singh-Knights, D. (2021). Visitors and values: A qualitative analysis of agritourism operator motivations across the U.S. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(3), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.103.010
  • Lamie, R. D., Chase, L., Chiodo, E., Dickes, L., Flanigan, S., Schmidt, C., & Streifeneder, T. (2021). Agritourism around the globe: Definitions, authenticity, and potential controversyJournal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(2), 1–5.
  • Sitaker, M., J. Kolodinsky, W. Wang, L.C. Chase, J. Van Soelen Kim, D. Smith, H. Estrin, Z. Van Vlaanderen, L. Greco. 2020. Evaluation of Farm Fresh Food Boxes, a hybrid alternative food network market innovation. Sustainability 2020, 12(24), 10406.
  • Nichols, A., L.C. Chase, J. Gordon, and D. Rashash. 2020. The Value of Jointly-held Conferences: Benefits and Considerations for Planners and Participants. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(1)66-87. Online publication.
  • Kelsey, A., L.C. Chase, and A. Long. 2019. Recreation Economies and Sustainable Tourism: Mountain Biking at Kingdom Trails in Vermont. In N.L. Vaugeois, M. Phillips, D. Arbogast, and P. Brouder (eds.), Innovative and Promising Practices in Sustainable Tourism, Vancouver Island University, Vancouver.; DOI: 10.25316/IR-8981
  • Smith, D., W. Wang, L.C. Chase, H. Estrin, and J. Van Soelen Kim. 2019. Perspectives from the Field: Adaptions in CSA Models in Response to Changing Times in the U.S. Sustainability, 11(11), 3115; 
  • Chakrabarti, A., L. Chase, A. Strong, and S. Swallow. 2019. Making Markets for Private Provision of Ecosystem Services: The Bobolink Project. Ecosystem Services 37 (2019) 100936. Online publication.
  • Chase, L.C., M. Stewart, B. Schilling, R. Smith, and M. Walk. 2018. Agritourism: A Conceptual Framework for Industry Analysis. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development (JAFSCD). Online publication.
  • Brown, L.E., J. MacDonald, L.C. Chase, G. Sewake, B.J. Stencel, A. Northrop, M. Kelly, and R. Faulkner. 2018. Foundations and Applications of Theory in the First Impressions Program. Journal of Extension 56(1)1FEA7. Online publication. 
  • Kuentzel, W.F., J.J. Daigle, L.C. Chase, and T.L. Brown. 2018. The Social Amplification of Risk and Landowner Liability Fear in the U.S. Northern Forest. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (21):51-60.
  • Chase, L.C. 2018. Agritourism and quality-of-life for farmers. Page 337-357 in A.M. Campón-Cerro, J.M. Hernández-Mogollón and J.A. Folgado-Fernández (eds.), Best Practices in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management: A Quality-of-Life Perspective. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Chase, L.C.  2017. Agritourism. In L. Lowry and J. G. Golson (eds.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. SAGE Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Kuehn, D., L.C. Chase, and T. Sharkey. 2017. Adapting to climate change: Perceptions of maple producers in New York and Vermont. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development (JAFSCD). Online publication.
  • Chase, L.C. and V. Grubinger. 2014. Food, Farms, and Community: Exploring Food Systems. University of New Hampshire Press, Durham, New Hampshire.
  • Chase, L.C. and L. Ogryzlo. 2014. Economic impact of food and drink tourism. Pages 53-62 in Erik Wolf, Jenn Bussell, Caralyn Campbell, Wendy Lange-Faria, Kathy AcAree (eds.), Have Fork will Travel: A Practical Handbook for Food and Drink Tourism Professionals. World Food Travel Association, Portland. Oregon.
  • Anderson, L, L.C. Chase, D. Kestenbaum, C. Mastrangelo. 2013. Eco-labels for passenger transportation: Understanding motorcoach company receptiveness to a pilot green certification program. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 7:125-142.
  • Anderson, L., C. Mastrangelo, L.C. Chase, D. Kestenbaum, J. Kolindinsky. 2013. Eco-labeling motorcoach operators in the North American travel tour industry: analyzing the role of tour operators. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(5):750-764.
  • Chase, L.C., B. Amsden, and D. Kuehn. 2013. Measuring quality of life: A case study of agritourism in the Northeast. Journal of Extension 51(1):1FEA3.
  • Daigle, J.J., L. Utley, L.C. Chase, W. Kuentzel, and T.L. Brown. 2012. Does new large private landownership and their management priorities influence public access in the Northern Forest? Journal of Forestry 110(2):89-96.
  • Pollock, N., L.C. Chase, C. Ginger, and J. Kolodinsky. 2012. The Northern Forest Canoe Trail: Economic impacts and implications for community development. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, 43(2):244-258.
  • Chase, L.C., R. Boumans, and S. Morse. 2010. Participatory modeling as a tool for community development planning: Tourism in the northern forest. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, 41(3):385-397.
  • Chase, L.C. and D. Kuehn. 2010. Measuring outcomes of Extension conferences: A case study of the National Extension Tourism Conference. Journal of Extension 48(3):3FEA6.
  • Chase, L.C. 2008. Agritourism. Pages 70-74 in Gary A. Goreham (ed.), Encyclopedia of Rural America: The Land and People, 2nd edition Grey House Publishing, Millerton, NY.
  • Chase, L.C., K. Norris, and C. Ginger. 2008. Does science matter? Resource planning in the Green Mountain National Forest. Society and Natural Resources 21(4):345-353.
  • Chase, L.C. 2006. Targeted marketing: Lessons from an agri-tourism enterprise. Journal of Extension 44(2):2RIB2.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

  • Agritourism
  • Community development
  • Tourism and recreation
  • Food systems
  • Environmental conflict management


  • PhD, Cornell University
  • MS, Cornell University
  • BA, University of Michigan


  • 802-656-7532
Office Location:

130 Austine Drive, Suite 300, Brattleboro, VT 05301-7040

Courses Taught

  • Vermont Tourism Summit
  • Risk Management for Agritourism and Culinary Tourism
  • Vermont Trail Collaborative Stakeholder Meetings
  • Website Tools for Farms
  • Recreation on Private Lands
  • National Extension Tourism Conference