Snapdragons and marigolds

Home Horticulture Resources from the UVM Extension Master Gardener Program and Beyond

General Home Gardening

  • Looking for references to local landscapers? Visit the Vermont Nursery & Landscape Association website for a list of reputable members. (Master Gardeners cannot recommend individual landscape businesses).
  • Looking for a list of Vermont Garden Nurseries? Visit this website. (Master Gardeners cannot recommend individual nurseries).

National Extension websites that provide science-based solutions for garden pests, weeds, disease problems, plant/insect i.d.

Climate Change, Rain Gardens & Weather Issues

Flooding Resources

Climate Change

Rain Gardens

  • VT Rain Garden Manual - published 2008 (contains lists of plants) UVM Extension/Winooski NRCD, Lake Champlain Sea Grant
  • Rain Garden Manual - published 2021- UVM Extension/ Lake Champlain Sea Grant


Composting General

Composting Factsheets

Vermont State Government

Vermont Non-Profit

Vermont Commercial

Compost Bins

Educational Outreach Materials, Workshops & Videos

Flowers - Annuals & Perennials

Fruits (All)

Herbs - Growing & Using


Houseplant Hero Video Series with UVM Extension Master Gardener Judy Mirro 

Indoor Plant Insects - University of Maryland

Indoor Plant Diseases - University of Maryland

Selection & Care of Indoor Plants - University of Maryland

Diagnose Indoor Plant Problems - University of Maryland

Caring for Houseplants - University of Missouri



Native Plants

Pesticides & Integrated Pest Management

Plant Starts, Seeds & Sales

Regarding free seeds and starter plants: Please check to see if seed swaps or seed libraries are available in your community. The Vermont Community Garden Network also provides limited seed packets to community gardens and others. 
Plant Sales – Some local Master Gardener Chapters host annual plant sales. 

Poisonous Plants



Soils & Soil Health



Trees & Shrubs




Do you have a resource you'd like to include?

Contact: Please note: All resources posted to this website are research-based university links and resources created and curated by UVM Extension Master Gardener volunteers. This website does not post resources or articles that specifically promote individual businesses and/or products.

Need a Master Gardener or Composter Volunteer?

Request Assistance here.

Looking for Other Master Gardener Programs?

A list of Extension Master Gardener Programs across the U.S. is available at: