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Visitors and Visitor Projects

Click here to download a guest book (in PDF form) of all of our visitors since we became the NSF-funded community facility (updated September 2024). Or, click on the names below to view individual guest book pages.

2024 (under NSF support)

October 2024- Adrian Bender, Researcher, US Geological Survey. Northern Alaska tectonics, deformation, and climate.

June-September 2024- Chris Halsted, Faculty, Williams College. Laurentide and Greenland ice sheet history and erosivity.

June 2024- Jazmin Morenzi, Undergraduate Student, Williams College. Long-term Greenland Ice Sheet history.

June 2024- Charlie Halverson, Undergraduate Student, Williams College. Laurentide Ice Sheet deltas and erosion.

May 2024- Chris Larson, PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania. Greenland glacial history and the Camp Century ice core.

April and October 2024- Diana Valenzuela Davila, PhD Student, University of Texas at Arlington. California ventifact erosion.

March and September 2024- Pedro Oliveira, PhD Student, Queens College CUNY. Amazon River incision and evolution.

March 2024- Calen Rubin, PhD Student, Boston College. Cordilleran Ice Sheet processes, erosion, and climate change.

March 2024- Natalie Tanski, PhD Student, Utah State University. Sicily tectonics and climate.

2023 (under NSF support)

September-October 2023- Marie Bergelin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Berkeley Geochronology Center. Antarctic glacial history.

June and September 2023- Mauricio Barcelos Haag, PhD Student, University of Toronto. Brazil erosion rates.

May 2023- Chris Larson, PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania. Methods observation.

April 2023- Pedro Val, Faculty, Queens College City University of New York. Methods observation, lecture, and future project planning.

February-May 2023- Josh Wolpert, PhD Student, University of Toronto. Himalayan glacial history.

February-March 2023- Danielle LeBlanc, Graduate Student, Boston College. Long-term northern hemisphere glacial history.

2022 (under NSF support)

September 2022- Greg Hoke and Artur Sobczyk, Faculty, Syracuse University and University of Wroclaw, Poland. Burial isochron dating of cave sediments.

August-October 2022- Jesper Norgaard, PhD Student, Aarhus University. Siberia glacial history.

June-July 2022- Adrian Bender, Researcher, US Geological Survey. Burial isochron dating of terraces in Yukon and Alaska.

June-August 2022- Colin O'Neill, Undergraduate Student, Eastern Michigan University. California fire impacts on erosion.

June and September 2022- Daniel Gunther, Undergraduate Student, Denison University. Appalachian soil development rates.

June 2022- Janae Goodwin, Undergraduate Student, Jackson State University. Puerto Rico erosion rates.

June 2022- Mouhamadou Kane, Undergraduate Student, Jackson State University. Puerto Rico erosion rates.

June 2022- Alondra Mercado, Undergraduate Student, University of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico erosion rates.

June 2022- Iliomar Rodriguez Ramos, Undergraduate Student, University of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico erosion rates.

June 2022- Breanna Taylor, Undergraduate Student, Jackson State University. Puerto Rico erosion rates.

April 2022- Jeff Munroe and Ben Laabs, Faculty, Middlebury College (Jeff) and North Dakota State University (Ben). Utah rock glaciers.

November 2021 and April 2022- Will Hefner, Graduate Student, University of North Carolina. California erosion rates.

February-March 2022- Francesco Pavano, Postdoctoral Researcher, Lehigh University. Utah delta stratigraphy.

February-March and May 2022- Sarah Jonathan, PhD Student, Pennsylvania State University. Sierra Nevada soil production.

February-March 2022- Holden Aronson, Graduate Student, University of Georgia. South Carolina erosion rates and land management.

2021 (under NSF support)

November 2021 and April 2022- Will Hefner, Graduate Student, University of North Carolina. California erosion rates.

November 2021- Edmundo Rodrigues de Brito, Graduate Student, State University of Ceará, Brazil. Lab visit and methods observation.

November 2021- Frederico de Holanda Bastos, Faculty, State University of Ceará, Brazil. Lab visit and methods observation.

October-November 2021- Holden Aronson, Graduate Student, University of Georgia. South Carolina erosion rates and land management.

COVID Virtual Visit- David Krause, Scientist, Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration. Krkonoše Mountain glacial history.

July 2021- Spruce Schoenemann, Faculty, University of Montana Western. Pioneer Mountain glacial history.

June-August 2021- Mana Bryant, Undergraduate Student, University of Montana Western. Pioneer Mountain glacial history.

June-August 2021- Will Larson, Undergraduate Student, University of Montana Western. Pioneer Mountain glacial history.

COVID Virtual Visit- Sam Kelley, Faculty, University College Dublin. Ireland mega-storms.

April 2021- Marie Bergelin, Graduate Student, University of North Dakota. Ancient Antarctic till and ice.

COVID Virtual Visit- Bob Craddock, Researcher, Smithsonian Institution. Australia sand dune formation.

COVID Virtual Visit- Andy Darling, Faculty, University of Georgia. Utah canyon incision.

COVID Virtual Visit- Terry Ferguson, Emeritus Faculty, Wofford College. South Carolina landscape evolution.

COVID Virtual Visit- Katherine Worms, Graduate Student, Oregon State University. Oregon uplift and erosion rates.

2020 (under NSF support)

COVID Virtual Visit- Kevin Shao, Graduate Student, University of California Los Angeles. Himalayan erosion rates.

COVID Virtual Visit- Marina Argueta, Graduate Student, University of California Los Angeles. California erosion rates.

COVID Virtual Visit- Eric Portenga, Faculty, Eastern Michigan University. Michigan glacial history.

COVID Virtual Visit- Emma Collins, Graduate Student, Idaho State University. Idaho fault scarp dating.

COVID Virtual Visit- Eric Brown, Graduate Student, Western Washington University. Washington landslide age and triggers.

COVID Virtual Visit- Collin Bogoski, Undergraduate Student, Eastern Michigan University. California fire impacts on erosion.

COVID Virtual Visit- Alex Tye, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Toronto Mississauga. Himalaya plateau history and process.

COVID Virtual Visit- Adrian Bender, Researcher, US Geological Survey. Burial isochron dating of terraces in Yukon and Alaska.

COVID Virtual Visit- Vanda Claudino-Sales, Faculty, Federal University of Ceara State, Brazil. Brazil erosion rates.

February 2020- Johanna Eidmann, Graduate Student, Colorado State University. Puerto Rico erosion and sedimentation.

February 2020- Danielle LeBlanc, Graduate Student, Boston College. Heinrich Events and ice dynamics.

February 2020- Nathan Brown, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Berkeley and Berkeley Geochronology Center. Observation and collection of samples from archives.

January 2020- Joanmarie Del Vecchio, Graduate Student, Penn State University. Pennsylvania erosion/deposition history.

January 2020- Ethan Kurak, Graduate Student, Lehigh University. Pennsylvania glacial geomorphology.

January 2020- Nic Hertzler, Undergraduate Student, Franklin and Marshall College. Pennsylvania periglacial landscapes.

2019 (under NSF support)

October 2019- Marie Protin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Petrographic and Geochemical Research (France). Long-term Greenland Ice Sheet history with the NEEM core.

October 2019- Braedon Warner, Graduate Student, Idaho State University. Idaho glacial history and megafloods.

October 2019- Atsunori Nakamura, Researcher, Geologic Survey of Japan. Methods observation.

September 2019- Marc Caffee, Faculty, Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory. Observation and seminar talk.

August 2019- Mike Retelle, Faculty, Bates College. Svalbard sea level and glacial history.

August 2019- Hannah Johnson, Undergraduate Student, Bates College. Svalbard sea level and glacial history.

August 2019- Danielle LeBlanc, Graduate Student, Boston College. Heinrich Events and ice dynamics.

August 2019- Colby Rand, Undergraduate Student, Juneau Icefield Research Program. Alaska glacier thinning history.

August 2019- Eve Cinquino, Undergraduate Student, Juneau Icefield Research Program. Alaska glacier thinning history.

August 2019- Julia Brazo, Undergraduate Student, Juneau Icefield Research Program. Alaska glacier thinning history.

August 2019- Jacquelyn Bellefontaine, Undergraduate Student, Juneau Icefield Research Program. Alaska glacier thinning history.

August 2019- Allie Balter, Graduate Student, Juneau Icefield Research Program. Alaska glacier thinning history.

August 2019- Nic Hertzler, Undergraduate Student, Franklin and Marshall College. Pennsylvania periglacial landscapes.

July-August 2019- Emma Rimmer, Undergraduate Student, Vanderbuilt University. Antarctic moraines and ancient ice.

July 2019- John Ruck, Undergraduate Student, Franklin and Marshall College. Pennsylvania periglacial landscapes.

June-August 2019- Alex Grande, Undergraduate Student, Oberlin College. Puerto Rico storm erosion.

May 2019- Mike Simoneau, Undergraduate Student, Lehigh University. Pennsylvania glacial history.

May 2019- Lorrie Carnes, PhD Student, Arizona State University. Methods observation.

May 2019- Rikke Brok Jensen and Birte Lindahl Eriksen, Aarhus University, Denmark. Methods observation.

April 2019- Adrian Bender, Researcher, US Geological Survey. Burial isochron dating of terraces in Yukon and Alaska.

April-May 2019- Miles Reed, Graduate Student, Central Michigan University. California and Costa Rica erosion rates.

February 2019- Marina Argueta, Graduate Student, University of California Los Angeles. California erosion rates.

January 2019- Katrina Gelwick, Graduate Student, Lehigh University. Italy and Mongolia erosion rates.

2018 (under NSF support)

October 2018- Monica Dix, Ely Bordt, and Amelia Lewis, Undergraduate Students, Oberlin College. XRF analysis of sediment samples and cosmolab tour.

October 2018- Aaron Steelquist, Graduate Student, Stanford University. Methods observation.

October 2018- Katie Dunn, Staff, Stanford University. Methods observation.

October 2018- Group tour for a field trip group from the New England Intercollegiate Geology Conference.

October 2018- Marie Bergelin, Graduate Student, University of North Dakota. Ancient Antarctic till and ice.

October 2018- Julie Fosdick, Faculty, University of Connecticut. Facility observation and collaboration between NSF-funded community geochronology labs.

October 2018- Steve Semken, Faculty, Arizona State University. Consultation on outreach and assessment.

October 2018- Joseph Whittaker, Faculty, Jackson State University. Consultation on outreach and diversity.

September 2018- Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, Faculty, University of Potsdam. Observation and collaboration.

September and November 2018- Mike Retelle, Faculty, Bates College. Norway post-glacial marine limit and sea level history.

September 2018- Group tour for a Vermont Technical College class (BIO1020).

September 2018- Kevin Shao, Graduate Student, University of California Los Angeles. Himalayan erosion rates.

September and November 2018- Joanmarie Del Vecchio, Graduate Student, Penn State University. Pennsylvania erosion/deposition history.

September 2018- Joshua Gonzales, Graduate Student, Lehigh University. Pennsylvania erosion rates.

August 2018- Annie Chien, Undergraduate Student, Juneau Icefield Research Program and Occidental College. Alaska/Canada glacial history.

July 2018- Lyman Persico, Faculty, Whitman College. California and New Mexico desert hillslope processes.

June-July 2018- Christoph Suhr, Undergraduate Student, Whitman College. California and New Mexico desert hillslope processes.

June-July 2018- Alden Woodard, Undergraduate Student, Castleton University. Vermont fluvial incision history.

June 2018- Nicole West, Faculty, Central Michigan University. Costa Rica basaltic soil development.

May 2018- Dave Gauthier, Research Faculty, Queen's University Ontario and BGC Engineering Inc. Methods observation and future project collaboration.

April-May 2018- Melisa Diaz, PhD Student, Ohio State University. Antarctic soil processes and landscape age.

April 2018- Tim Appenzeller, News Editor, Science Magazine. Facility observation.

April 2018- Jose Constantine, Assistant Professor, Williams College. Methods observation and future project collaboration.

April 2018- Tamara Pico, PhD Student, Harvard University. Methods observation and departmental seminar.

April 2018- Sean Gallen, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University. Methods observation and future project collaboration.

April 2018- Greg Hancock, Professor, College of William and Mary. Methods observation and departmental seminar.

April 2018- Adrian Bender, Researcher, US Geological Survey. Burial isochron dating of terraces in Yukon and Alaska.

March 2018- Open House during the Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting.

February 2018- Group tour for a geochronology class from University of Quebec.

January-March 2018- Al Neely, PhD Student, Penn State University. California hillslope processes.

January-February 2018- Lydia Staisch, Researcher, US Geologic Survey. Burial isochron dating of terraces in Washington.

January-February 2018- Chris Halsted, MS Student, Boston College. Laurentide glacial history.

January 2018- Drew Christ, PhD Student, Boston University. Methods observation and collaboration.

January 2018- Brent Goehring, Assistant Professor, Tulane University. Methods observation and departmental seminar.

January 2018- Rivoningo Khosa, MS Student, University of Johannesburg. South Africa fluvial erosion rates and processes.

January 2018- Katrina Gelwick, Josh Gonzales, and Christy Li, MS and Undergraduate Students, Lehigh University. Pennsylvania fluvial processes.


September-October 2017 - Chris Halsted (graduate student) from Boston College, 10Be extraction for New England Laurentide deglaciation dating

September 2017 - Sam Rinterknecht (undergraduate student) from Bates College, 10Be extraction for paleo shoreline dating in Norway

August 2017 - Sarah Lewis (staff) from Oregon State University, laboratory visit and tour

August 2017 - Michael White (editor of Nature), laboratory visit and tour

July-August 2017 - Nari Miller (graduate student) from Arizona State University, meteoric 10Be extraction for erosion and land use studies in Arizona and Spain

June-July 2017 - Nikki West (faculty) from Central Michigan University, quartz preparation and 10Be extraction for California erosion rate study

June 2017 - Sam Rinterknecht (undergraduate student) and Mike Retelle (faculty) from Bates College, quartz preparation for paleo shoreline dating in Norway

April-May 2017 -Leandro Duque (graduate student) from Brazil, quartz preparation and 10Be extraction for erosion rate study in Brazil

January-March 2017 - Alex Hughes and Jen Quye-Sawyer (graduate students) from Imperial College London, 10Be and 26Al extraction for erosion and Paleoseismicity studies

January 2017 - Michelle Fame faculty from Caselton State College, lab tour and visit

January 2017 - Jennifer Nair (graduate student) from Syracuse University, lab tour, collaboration, learning sample processing


November 2016 - Vela Mbele from South Africa, employed at the AMS facility in iThemba LABS, Johannesburg, training and consultation for lab set up

April 2016 - Steve Arcone and Seth Campbell, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab, lab tour February 2016 - Allie Koester, MS student, Boston College, Quartz purification and lab observation for in situ 10Be for New England deglaciation


October 2014 - Jean Dixon, Faculty, Montana State University, Lab tour and consultation

September-December 2014 - Adrian Bender, MS student, Western Washington University, Burial isochrons for seismic hazard, Yakima Washington

June-December 2014 - Neil Shea, MS student, University of Connecticut, In situ and meteoric 10Be in CZO Colorado sediment

June-August 2014 - Lisa Luna, Middlebury College, lab training and sample processing for in situ 10Be for paleoseismic analysis

March 2014 - Andy Darling, Doctoral Student, Arizona State University, training and sample processing for Grand Canyon samples,

February 2014 - Mellissa Foster, University of Colorado, Boulder, Lab tour and consultation


October 2013 - Renjuan Wei, Graduate Student, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, Lab tour and consultation

September 2013-March 2014 - Fabiano Pupim, Doctoral Student, Federal University of Brazil, training and sample processing for Brazil bedrock

October-November 2013 - Eric Portenga, University of Glasgow, Australian soil samples for meteoric and in situ 10Be, sample processing

August-November 2013 - Devin McPhillips, Syracuse University, post-doc, Tibetan Plateau in situ 10Be and 26Al

August 2013 - Wiley Skewes, MS student, University of Connecticut, Taiwan quartz purification


Summer 2011 - James McCarthy, University of Toronto, BA student, training and sample processing for in situ 10Be from Peru


October 2010 - Willy Amidon, Middlebury College, faculty , Lab tour

October 2010 - Ari Matmon, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, faculty , Lab tour and consultation

June-July 2010 - Em Perry, Williams College undergraduate, extracting is situ 10Be for Madagascar and Colorado samples

June-July 2010 - Mel Hoerman, Skidmore College undergraduate, purifying quartz related to Skidmore projects in western US and Panama

June-July 2010 - Jess Buckley, University of Vermont undergraduate, processing samples from Bandelier Tuff to see how much quartz they contain.

July 2010 - Allan Bacon, Duke University doctoral student, extracting meteoric 10-Be from depth profile collected from southern Piedmont Ulitsol.

April 2010 - Nicolas Young, University of Buffalo graduate student, Learning lab methods and running ICP samples

April 2010 - Joe Liccardi, University of New Hampshire faculty, Lab tour and consultation


December 2009 - Ben Laabs, SUNY Geneseo faculty , Lab tour and consultation

November 2009 and July 2010 - Christine Regalla, Penn State University graduate student, Purifying quartz from Japan and Saline Valley Stream channels

November 2009 - Meredith Kelly, Dartmouth College, faculty, Lab tour and consultation

November 2009 - Amanda Henck, Oberlin College, faculty, Lab tour and proposal preparation

November 2009 - Nicole West, Penn State University graduate student, Processing meteoric 10-Be samples from Shale Hills Critical Zone sites

October 2009 - Fiona Foley, Macquarie University graduate student, Extracting 10-Be from arc volcanic rocks

October 2009 - Sarah Hall, McGill University faculty, Lab tour and consultation