Interprofessional Health Sciences Concentration in Communication Sciences and Disorders

Our students are trained for careers as scholars in communication sciences and disorders (CSD) through a specialized curriculum that emphasizes research experiences with our esteemed faculty mentors, along with a variety of guided teaching and mentoring activities.

Faculty in the CSD department conduct research centered on speech, language, and cognitive processes. Their work spans a variety of topics, from understanding and treating autism to examining the influence of temperament on stuttering. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of brain functions and leads to the development of innovative therapies for individuals affected by cognitive and neurological disorders.

Areas of Focus

Graduate students within this concentration can specialize in various communication disorders, such as:

  • Apraxia of speech
  • Autism
  • Developmental disabilities
  • Deafness
  • Fluency disorders
  • Neurogenic disorders
  • Speech sound disorders


Students collaborate with their academic advisor, research mentors, and committee to design and fulfill three of the four required Ph.D. research rotations within the Department of CSD or a related field. This arrangement offers students the chance to delve deeply into various projects that are pertinent to contemporary CSD theories and methodologies.