Our research and dissemination program dives deeply into the complicated work of educators, learners, and schools. We’ve produced more than 200 publications including journal articles, papers, chapters, and presentations about engaging, responsive, student-directed teaching and learning. We proudly collaborated with our partner teachers to publish and present their work to broader audiences.

See the Tarrant Institute's Research Publications on UVM ScholarWorks:
National & International Presentations
- DeMink-Carthew, J. & Gonell, Q. Lessons Learned From Teaching Social Justice Education in Sixth Grade. [Research Roundtable.] 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
- Vannest, K., Swindlehurst, K., Bishop, P., & Shepherd, K. Personalized Learning Plans: A Scoping Review of the Literature and Implications for Remote Learning Beyond COVID-19. [Research Roundtable.] 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
- Hoyler, E., Østensen, A.A., DeMarais, C., and Wieler, B. Outdoor Place-Based Education in the Time of COVID. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference October 2020).
- Bishop, P. A. & Nelson, E. J. The Global Listening Project: What 2,000 Young Adolescents Across the World Wish Their Teachers Knew. [Research Roundtable.] Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference (October 2020).
- Netcoh, S., Downes, J. M. & Bishop, P. A. Examining Supports for Self-Directed Learning in a Service-Learning Project: A Case Study. [Research Roundtable.] Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference (October 2020).
- LeGeros, L., Farber, K., DeMink-Carthew, J., DeMink, J., Chadburn, K., Gratton, A., Byrnes, A., Brown, K., Kennedy, B., and Gray, M. Social Justice in VT classrooms. AMLE. Nashville, TN (2019).
- Mark, R., Life LeGeros, Penny Bishop, and Steve Netcoh. Personal Interest Projects and Self-Directed Learning (Roundtable). AMLE. Nashville, TN (2019).
- Mark, R. and educators from Manchester Elementary and Middle School. 3-D Local History. AMLE. Nashville, TN (2019)
- Hennessey, S. and Scott Thompson. Formative Assessments, Technology & Student Agency, Oh My! The Power of Owning Your Data. AMLE. Nashville, TN (2019).
- Thompson, S. and Jared Bailey. Rearranging the deck chairs just wont do anymore: 21st Century Scheduling. AMLE. Nashville, TN (2019).
- Chadburn, K., Andrea Gratton, and Marley Evans. Teachers as Researchers. AMLE. Nashville, TN. (2019).
- Bishop, P. Optimizing Teaching and Learning in the Middle Grades. Remaking Middle School Summit. Curry School of Education and Youth Nex Center, University of Virginia (2019).
- Bishop, P., Downes, J., Farber, K., Hennessey, S., Demink-Carthew, J., Stokes, T., Mark, R. (2018). Pathways to Personalization: Teacher Roles. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY (April 2018).
- Tinker, A., Demink-Carthew, J., Smith, C., Tinker, B., (2018). Engaging in Reform-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry to Advance Proficiency-Based Learning in Teacher Education. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY (April 2018).
- Demink-Carthew, J., Smith, C., Tinker, A., Tinker, B., (2018). The impact of proficiency-based learning on the assessment literacy of preservice teachers. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY (April 2018).
- LeGeros, L., Netcoh, S., Downes, J., Bishop, P., (2018). Genius Hour as an Anchor Experience for Implementing Personalized Learning in a VT MS. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY (April 2018).
- Olofson, M., Downes, J., Bishop, P., & Smith, C., (2018). Can PD Move the Needle on Personalized Pedagogical Practices? Evidence from the Middle Grades. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY (April 2018).
- Hennessey, S., LaClair, P., Lisai, L. (2018). Schools Reimagined: Students as Change Agents. Deeper Learning Conference. San Diego, CA (March 2018).
- Bishop, P. Redefining Rigor in the Middle Grades. Invited Session at the Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA (November 2017).
- Bishop, P. Supporting Successful Transitions from Middle School to High School. Webinar. Mid-Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory (November, 2016).
- Bishop, P. Advocating for Middle Level Teacher Preparation: Panel Presentation.Teacher Education Symposium of the Association for Middle Level Education. Austin, TX (October 2016).
- Bishop, P., Caskey M.M., Chodak, D., Smith, M., Pope, M., (2016). Advocating for middle-level teacher preparation. Panel presentation. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX (October 2016).
- Bishop, P., Andrews, G., Caskey, M.M., Mertens, S.B., Virtue, D.C. (2016). Yes, You Can! Conducting Research in Your Own School. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX (October 2016).
- Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group (2016). The Middle Level Research Education SIG Presents a New Agenda for Middle Level Education Research. Speed Learning Session. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX (October 2016).
- Bishop, P., Hubbard, D., Virtue, D.C. (2016). Let us help you publish your scholarship, research and creative activity. Speed Learning Session. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX., (October 2016).
- Olofson, M.W., Bishop, P., Downes, J., Hennessey, S., LeGeros, L., Mark, R., Netcoh, S., Smith, C., Thompson, S. (2016). Personalized and ubiquitous learning: opportunities and challenges in the research in the emergent phenomena of the middle grades. Middle Level Education Roundtable. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX., (October 2016).
- Hennessey, S., LeGeros, L., Mark, R., Thompson, S., Netcoh, S., Olofson, M.W., Downes, J., Bishop, P. (2016). Student goal-setting within a personalized learning context: a multiple case study. Middle Level Education Roundtable. Association for Middle Level Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX (October 2016).
- Bishop, P., DeMink-Carthew, J. (2016). Passion is not enough: Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to be Diplomats for Change. Teacher Education Symposium of the Association for Middle Level Education. Austin, TX., (October 2016).
- Bishop, P., Downes, J., Hennessey, S., Thompson, S. (2016). The power of teacher-directed professional development. Teacher Education Symposium of the Association for Middle Level Education. Austin, TX (October 2016).
Full listing of national and international presentations available here
Local Presentations
- Learning Lab VT: Lessons Learned. Susan Hennessey and Bill Rich. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2019
- Maker Educator Meetup. Margaret Talbot and Lucie deLaBruere. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2019
- Grow Community Through Service Learning and Leadership. Katy Farber & Peter Stratman. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2018.
- Conversations About Micro-Credentialing. Susan Hennessey & Tim O'Leary. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2018.
- Ideas Into Action Through School-Driven Change. Penny Bishop, John, Downes, Scott Thompson, and Life LeGeros. Presented at Rowland Conference at UVM, October 2018.
- Projects for Hope: Global Loals Inspired, Local Community Supported PBL for 8th Grade. Katy Farber & Morgan Moore. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2018.
- Design Thinking and STEAM in the Early Grades (K-5): A Year Long Journey. Katy Farber, Cathy Newton, & Rebecca Whitney. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2018.
- The Cougar Co-op. Audrey Homan & Life LeGeros. Presented at Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability, May 2018.
- Leveraging the National School Library Standards to Personalize Learning. Jeanie Phillips & Rebecca Soffman. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- Student Leadership with Brainado! Jennifer Hempey & Life LeGeros. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- Students as Partners in Change. Life LeGeros & Allison Schlageter. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- PBL or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Learner Centered Education. Ben Curtis & Katy Farber. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- Student Agency in the Classroom. Susan Hennessey. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- Virtual Reality Can Teach Empathy. Charlie Herzog & Rachel Mark. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- Find Your Superpower: Specializing in the Library. Presented at Dynamic Landscapes, May 2017.
- Project-based learning as a path to personalized and flexible pathways. Scott Thompson, Diana Rich, & Sam Nelson. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- Digital Badging & Micro-credentialing VT Style. Susan Hennessey, Ric Reardon, Peter Drescher, & Matt Henchen. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- The Digital Learning Dance: SIS, LMS, Act 77, Grading and Stakeholders. Susan Hennessey, Jonah Ibson, Maura Kelley, & Chris Bologna. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- Making History: Using Social Media to Connect with Our Community. Joe Rivers (Brattleboro). Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- Directing Self-Direction: Helping Our Students Cultivate Self-Direction. Adam Rosenburg (Rutland). Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- Extending and Deepening PBL: Service Learning. Katy Farber. Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- Finding & Using Open Education Resources. Erica Zimmer (Rutland). Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
- Personalization: Thinking Small & Going Big. John Craig (Hazen). Presented at Vermont Fest, November 2017.
Full listing of local presentations available here