Christine Proulx

Professor and Department Chair, Department of Counseling and Human Development and Family Science

Christine Proulx
Alma mater(s)
  • Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
  • M.S., Human Development and Family Studies, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
  • B.A., Women’s Studies (individually designed program), Regis College, Weston, MA


Christine M. Proulx, Ph.D., is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA). Her primary research is shaped by her belief that interpersonal relationships are the bedrock of our health and wellbeing across the life course, and she incorporates this belief in her classes on adult development and aging and family relationships.

Dr. Proulx's research focuses on adults’ social relationships, roles, and health, with a particular emphasis on marriage and caregiving in mid- and later-life. Her work examines how close relationships and social roles change over time, and how those changes are associated with increases and decreases in mental, physical, and cognitive health. She specializes in quantitative data analyses, with an emphasis in longitudinal and dyadic modeling.

Proulx is a co-editor of the Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies (Springer), a seminal volume published approximately every 15 years in the field, and co-author of the forthcoming book Dyadic Health Science: Theories, Methods, and Future Directions (Cambridge University).


  • Social Context of Development
  • Psychology of Aging


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Awards and Achievements

  • Felix Berardo Scholarship Award for Mentoring, National Council on Family Relationships (2022)
  • Granted Fellow Status in the Gerontological Society of America, 2018
  • Gold Chalk Award, University of Missouri Graduate Professional Council, 2018
  • Graduate Student Association Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award, University of Missouri, 2014
  • Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri, 2012

Area(s) of expertise

  • Intimate relationships
  • Caregiving
  • Aging
  • Health
  • Dyadic methodologies


Christine M. Proulx, Ph.D., is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA). Her primary research is shaped by her belief that interpersonal relationships are the bedrock of our health and wellbeing across the life course, and she incorporates this belief in her classes on adult development and aging and family relationships.

Dr. Proulx's research focuses on adults’ social relationships, roles, and health, with a particular emphasis on marriage and caregiving in mid- and later-life. Her work examines how close relationships and social roles change over time, and how those changes are associated with increases and decreases in mental, physical, and cognitive health. She specializes in quantitative data analyses, with an emphasis in longitudinal and dyadic modeling.

Proulx is a co-editor of the Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies (Springer), a seminal volume published approximately every 15 years in the field, and co-author of the forthcoming book Dyadic Health Science: Theories, Methods, and Future Directions (Cambridge University).


  • Social Context of Development
  • Psychology of Aging


Awards and Achievements

  • Felix Berardo Scholarship Award for Mentoring, National Council on Family Relationships (2022)
  • Granted Fellow Status in the Gerontological Society of America, 2018
  • Gold Chalk Award, University of Missouri Graduate Professional Council, 2018
  • Graduate Student Association Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award, University of Missouri, 2014
  • Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri, 2012

Areas of Expertise

  • Intimate relationships
  • Caregiving
  • Aging
  • Health
  • Dyadic methodologies