Our Mission and Purpose
The Catamount Community Schools Collaborative (CCSC) is a dynamic and longstanding research-policy-practice-partnership (RPP) between the University of Vermont, the Vermont Agency of Education, and state and community partners to support a sustainable ecosystem of community schools across Vermont.

Our Approach

The CCSC is characterized by long-term commitment to collaborative management, research, and sustained improvements to the community schools approach, with a particular focus on rural communities. Community Schools are resource hubs that provide a broad range of well-coordinated supports and services for students and families. Our work seeks to address systemic issues of inequity in educational and health access among Vermont rural communities.
The CCSC aligns with national University Assisted Community Schools (UACS) Models where institutions of higher education are lead partners in community schools implementation and sustainability through long standing mutually beneficial and democratic partnerships.
In partnership with the Vermont Agency of Education, the CCSC supports community school implementation and sustainability through the following:
Interdisciplinary UVM faculty applied participatory research.
UVM undergraduate and graduate student internship and service-learning placements.
Technical assistance, professional development, and community school implementation supports.
Recent Work
Funding Support
The CCSC is funded through several braided federal, state, professional, and university funding mechanisms, including the following:
A contract with the Vermont Agency of Education funded by Federal ARP-ESSER funds connected to Act 67 Community Schools Evaluation.
A seed grant from the University of Vermont’s Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships (LIRP) to support Community Schools Extension Activities with interdisciplinary UVM faculty and students.
A Congressionally Funded Community Project (CFCP) administered by the Office of Postsecondary Education, US Department of Education supported by a congressional direct spending request through Senator Sanders to expand the Community Schools model in Vermont leveraging CCSC resources, partnerships, applied faculty research and service-learning courses in partnership with the Vermont Agency of Education.
A small grant from the National Education of Research Practice Partnerships (NNERPP) to bolster youth voice in our community schools implementation and evaluation work.
Core Faculty
Bernice Garnett, ScD, MPH, CCSC Principal Investigator
Peter Knox, PhD, MPA, CCSC Co-Investigator
Affiliated Faculty
State and Community Partners
Vermont Agency of Education
- Johannes Haensch, Program Manager, Student Pathways Division
Cabot School (K-12)
- Peter Stratman, Educator and Community Schools Coordinator
- Jennifer Blake, Principal
Hazen Union School (7-12)
- Vaiva Velzis, Community School Coordinator
- Jason DiGiulio, Principal
North Country Supervisory Union
- Samantha Stevens, Community School Coordinator
- Shelley Lanou, Newport Town School Principal
- Elaine Collins, NCSU Superintendent
Vergennes Union Elementary School (K-6)
- Matt DeBlois, Principal
White River Valley Middle School (7-8)
- Mary Schell, Community School Coordinator
- Pierre LaFlamme, Principal
- Jaime Kinnarney, WRVSU Superintendent
Community-Based Organization Partners:
- Kathleen Bryant, School-Based Nurse Practitioner, Gifford Health Care
- Jess DeCarolis, Education Consultant, Vermont Rural Education Collaborative
- Ned Castle, Ethnographic Documentarian and Filmmaker with Frames to Life