Bryan Dague gets the “Bryan Dague Award for Exceptional Service" in Disability Advocacy

The UVM Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI) is thrilled to announce that Dr. Bryan Dague, a Research Assistant professor, Ed.D., CRC was honored with a new award. Champlain Community Services (CCS), a developmental services agency, celebrated Bryan’s work at their annual award luncheon on April 25. He received a brand-new award named after him called "The Bryan Dague Award for...

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Life Histories Clip: Self Advocacy and Self-Determination

People with developmental disabilities from Green Mountain Self-Advocates describe self-advocacy and self-determination.

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Life Histories Clip: Nothing About Us Without Us

Max Barrows, Outreach Director of Green Mountain Self-Advocates describes "Nothing About Us Without Us" the motto of the self-advocacy movement.
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